Under my bed

Gios, Kenevans,Green thing,Hillman.

sweet set up, i need a good storage setup like this.

except i would defs fall off the ladder/out of bed after a few drinks haha.

can we see some picks of the gios?

Gios pics on their way.

You should definately build a slide so you can easily get down to the floor! And pics of all bikes please, seems like a very nice fleet :slight_smile:

hey hey…

I like the bar that’s hanging under the bed…what’re they?? Seems like the bar is made for a giant…stem looks like 150mm.

Those bars and stem are steel Cinellis, the bars have a 61 stamp on them, and the stem is a reasonable :wink: 130mm. I’m out of town for a week, but when I get back I’ll post some pics, including a new arrival, and also a blurry out of focus shot of my as yet unfinished, but absolute favourite ride.
Ross, holy shit I think I know where I can get a slide!!!

is that bane cd on the bedframe?

Nah, its a sticker. I haven’t really got into them after Holding This Moment though(cos I’m a bitter old dude right?).

i had a loft bed when i lived with my folks. i also had a couch to crash on when i was too drunk to make it up the ladder!

under my bed

HAHAHAHAHA…I know it’s just pic of a strapon but its always better when Spud delivers it.

And I’m not sure it’s even a joke.

Gios pics:

hah. i just assumed it would be the blue bike hanging up!

gios are very nice

what are plans for it?

It was blue at some stage, but then someone decided it would be better powdercoated black. Including right over the head badge too!
I have some polished C-Record cranks for it, the rest if gonna be ten speed Record. Everything black and silver.
That blue bike hanging up is my Hillman.