Vittoria Rubinos in COLOUR?

Anyone know where i can get Vittoria Rubino tyres in colours??
I’ve seen em on a few bikes, any ideas??
internet maybe?


I would have thought they’re fairly readily available, especially rubino pros. Have you asked a bigger LBS (eg Cecil’s). I’ve never had any trouble finding them in colours.

Brunswick st cycles has em. So does the other bike shop one block up down the side street.
Flemington cycles as well. I got white ones from there.

As always… Abbotsford Cycles.

try cyclic in flemmington, too.

Haha, have you even looked?

Pretty common in Melbourne.

Alternatively, get them from PBK for a decent price.

nope! :smiley:

What colour?
I have red, yellow and black as well as all white in stock.


probably a red or blue.
they don’t come in purple do they? that’d be sweet.
How much for a set?