Weekends riding Echuca - Melbourne

man im pretty sore hey haha. Knees are defs feeling it from riding fixed.
I reset my speedo the friday night before i left and i’ve now clocked up 316k’s.
I didnt expect the ride to be as hilly as it was.
I went up with user: Benny, Our train to echuca got terminated in Bendigo, so we had to board a Coach and get that there, that basically put us an hour and a half behind schedule, and we spent the last 45k’s riding in the dark in the middle of nowhere with only moonlight and our flashing LED lights… shit was scary as we couldn’t see the road surface very well and we had cars buzzing past at 110kph with the shoulder of the Highway dropping in and out a few times.

Got into Bendigo, got awesome pizza/pasta, had a couple of beers, bumped into a friend in the bar which was random/awesome and Ben had some girl spew on his shoes in the Pub… we went back to the room and crashed out…

Left at 9am from Bendigo and we ended up taking our time with rest stops, Stopped at Lake Eppalock for a toasted sandwich and water, Redesdale for water and fruit, Kyneton for water (where we were given incorrect directions, and a map that had roads on it that did not exist and that was missing the crucial roads for our route… this resulted in us being lost in New Gisborne when we should have been in Riddles Creek, wasted lots of time with that.) Woodend we had lunch at the bakery, Sunbury nibbles and water, Tullamarine airport for more water and then into Nth Melbourne at a bike store opening party.

Had a Kangaroo bounce along to the left of us while on the road
We moo’d at a few cows
Stopped at a truckstop toilet where the basin was covered in what looked to be jizz.
Listened to Judas Priest - Nightcrawler, riding in the dark
Riding past Tullamarine airport we had a Plane come in for landing over our heads and scare the shit out of us.
A lot of shitty road surfaces and shoulders on highways with crap all over them, but it made the smooth parts feel awesome. Black Forest would be way more fun with a clean and smooth shoulder.
I think my top speed was about 67kph coming down the hills into Sunbury, fucking awesome hills to smash down, but a little scary without brakes after doing 240ish k’s and having your legs nearly spin out.

was a great trip to get away and it was definately the longest ride I’ve ever done. Feels really good now that I’m back and sore all over… and by all over i mean it feels like Kostya Tsu has been kicking me relentlessly in my ass/gooch.

Cool Mural on the wall at the service station at Redesdale, although its a coaster brake postie bike, i’d like to think it was a kewl fixty, I mean… he has the bag and all haha

(Open images in new window for larger view)

Awesome ride man, sounds like a real adventure :slight_smile:

Great work mate. Glad you’re back alive.


more ride reports like this please.

Thanks Guys! was a really fun trip.

Both of these were awesome Max!

I have no idea how you are not in the story report, i was tired haha.

Basically, Max met us in Bendigo so we rolled back as a group of three.
Max smashed every hill on the way back like it aint no thaaang, (secret col d’ Ugly training maybe?)
kept us amused with random quotes from ‘Hot Rod’ (‘ohhh Kathy’) and singing Europe - The Final CountDown (‘we’re heading for venusssss and still we stand talllll’).
Was awesome having him along.

and yes, we saw Chuncho… the little chubby kid from Nacho Libre in Redesdale.

special mention to Toto - ‘Africa’…

Props to Ben riding the majority of the ride without a drink bottle holder.

Hopefully it’s still kicking strong out there :cry:

You boys will have to come with me and do Echuca to Melbourne in one day next time I go.

fwaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrk that fixed!

“tell him his dreaming”

I’ve done it on the roadie three times now. Maybe fixed is the next challenge. Let me know if anybody is up for it.

a couple more… open in new window for bigger version

looking very fine fellas.

especially max with his attempt at ‘mash lycra’