What are ADB125's Worth?

“Clamp sleeve has ADB125 Duralumin 14S-T4 on one side and Nitto Aerodynamics on the other.”

They are flatened like aero-tubing around the flat top section and as the begin to slope and drop around.

Any idea wat they are worth? I know that there are not many floating around…

Put them on ebay at $0.99 and you’ll find out in 7 days.

If there aren’t many around then there aren’t many changing hands, so you can’t easily put a price on them.

I figure roughly about what a pair of used B125AAs is worth plus a slight curiosity premium, depending on the condition (scratched, stickers present, etc). More if you can convince a few hipsters to bid against each other, but they’re not NJS…

They’re worth what somebody else is willing to pay for them :stuck_out_tongue:

PIP! wants them, but we both suck with numbers so i decided this mite be the fairest way of getting the fairest price for both of us.

I’d say $50.