what brand is SR

hi guys

i just picked up an old japanese road bike with what i think are mostly
original parts.
the headstem and cranks are marked with “SR” on both sides.

just wanting to know what brand this is?


Sakae Royal

Sakae Ringyo, which eventually became SR-Suntour

Yeah sorry. I jumped to conclusion there.

Sakae Ringyo. There track cranks are called Royal

Someone said the other night (i think it was Bender) that its owned by Sugino.

not owned by sugino. seperate company in it’s own right.
i’ve got a Sakae Litage roadbike, early 90’s lugged aluminium. 3/4 complete suntour sprint group. i like it.

ok cool well thats good.

the bike is called a premier
and says on the top tube
hand crafted by mishayo

its great, original paint and decals
will post pics soon

interesting, do you have a closer photo of the lugs?

Building a SR SS right now.

not at the moment, and i dont have the bike right here. i’ll get some up next time i take it out. it’s interesting.
in the meantime, here’s one someone else has fixed up with modern running gear: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grbiking/sets/72157600259254635/ better than mine, but not by much :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I’ve been told that Sakae, Sugino and Shimano (the people behind the names) all worked together under a single company name before splitting intot heir three respective companies. Anyone got any more info on this?