What's in the box?


Nice touch putting the tt brake cable routing on driveside to work better with left lever. Are the front fender eyelets on the rack?

How long 'til it’s built up? Can’t wait to see it! (And have a test ride)

Spot on about the cable routing, Jeff.

The low riders and guards mount up to the same eyelets on the fork.

I’m waiting on a few bits to finish it, should be a couple of weeks.

Require closeups of the bi-lam headtube lugs. Amazing.

Looks so good, can’t wait to see when it’s done!

Yeah hurry up Earl

bringing out the beardo in me

Even new these brakes are pretty rough so they got some face time with sweet lady sand paper:

I should have taken some before shots.

Waiting on bars and front mech to show up then its off to Commuter to be built. Fingers crossed for the end of the week.

What bars did you end up with Erle? I don’t remember if you told me already.

I need up going with nitto noodles.

Holy shit Erle! WOOOOOHHHH.
Will a beardo take out FOA bike of the year??!! :eek:

Picked it up today. Pics to come!

I rode it.

Me too!

Photos or it didn’t happen

Erle, I think we should do photos.

I believe there’s already someone ahead of you in the snappy snappy queue rooster. But I heard Erle was keen to do a FYXO/fiasco style shoot with it.

i was totally very minorly involved in this. i feel special.

also, according the 'gram it is rad.

It better not be Prollz…

I’m all for a FYXO/Fiasco shoot though. I can add it to the calendar along with ‘SnS Blakey’

in big plastic bags

edit: and erle’s new thing is quite a thing. v nice.