What's wrong with this picture?

I reckon the ‘anti’ bit has something to do with the lack of steerer tube.

the HT/TT in this pic does look weird:

You don’t think that the bike is designed for you to cut down the head tube to fit?

Holy shit that’s a great idea

Ok, I’m done for the day, so here’s my theory.

Pegoretti’s are known for having extended head tubes. It means less uggo spacers/shorter lever arm and more distance between the bearings, and also a smaller triangle for frame stiffness.

Colnago also did this for Urs Freuler.

Some people are more flexible and want a lower position than is possible on a stock Peg, so they just lop an inch or so off the HT. Shifter Dan has done this a number of times for people’s frames.

So, assuming the mechanic isn’t a dolt and cut too short / thinks it’s ok to clamp that high up, I reckon the frame was assembled for photos, and will soon have the HT shortened, bringing the top of the steerer just above the stem.

The headset

Was totes going to say that

gold chain

I’ll take a pass mark. thx.

well this thread was definitely more about the journey than the destination…

So I was right?

In my theory-land nothing was measured wrong, the HT just hadn’t been cut yet. A for effort though.

Closest to the mark, I’ll buy you a croissant from La Panella when you’re down next. I wouldn’t say they’re designed to be cut, more that having a straight gauge extended HT means they have the ability to be cut.

If you chopped the required length off that HT so the steerer fills the stem, wouldn’t it be a normal HT length and distance from the TT?

I reckoned it was either… that if you followed the rearward line of the stem, you’d find some cheap looking, welds. Or, there’s no space for a rack.

It’s not a Giant?

I think the whole build is weird,

Hopefully soon then!

The stem is not 140mm.

fucking savages.

Embro have pulled the pic and photoshopped the driveside view.

‘Nothing to see here… move along.’

alexb was trolling them on fb.