Which bars sfor track??

Well I got out on the track on the new bike with Volley boy yesterday and had a blast.
Only thing I did not like the feel of was the bars that I am using which are road bars and are too “square” at the drops.
So I am looking for recommendations for a nice track bar with some outward sweep.
I kind of like the look of the Nitto B127 but am wondering if there is a cheaper option???

I would be wanting a 43 or 44cm bar too (I am a big boy).

B127 all the way baby, With a nitto pro steel stem.

How big are you?

Wide Bars mean you can’t get through gaps. Narrow better. I use a 45 on the road and have a 40 on the track, but reckon I could even go the 38.

hope this helps.

Kookie stocks the B127 and 125.


I love my b125s - nice and curved at the drops but no so ridiculously deep as the b123 or Soma Gonzo bar.

  • Joel

6’3" tall and hands shoulder width apart are about 45cm.
I suppose part of my desire for a wider bar comes from my MTB bars.
I run Jones H-bars which are 27" wide at the tips and about 26" wide where I grip them.
Narrow bars scare the bejesus out of me.

Have seen the B125 and 127’s at Kookie but was wondering if there is anything similar but cheaper.

They’re pretty cheap as track bars go.

I havn’t seen any

I assume at 6’3" you can give the bars a good crank.

A set of steel Nittos will (WILL) not flex when you crank em.

I should not be so cheap.
My Jones bars cost me $400 and are now selling for $550. :shock:

I have a brand new set of b123s in 42cm width (c2c) hanging around here somewhere. $50 and they’re yours.

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