Youtube Fixie Post Of The Day (FPOTD)

slapped that together smornin’

Dan’s abit shy don’t you think… haha If Nate films your junk dan, then maybe girls will watch it.


Man, the internet has ruined everything.

I like it

Love the backing track :wink:

That backpedaling is well nice.

link screwed up…

this kid seems like a pretty cool bmxer:

(some more: How to FLAT [ Mc circle ] - YouTube [ Nose manual ] - YouTube)

Not a fixie but looks like fun…Chris does a lot of skateboard filming…his latests was in Alienworkshop’s Mind field…

not fixed, but dayum this dude has some boost :-o

Nate should consider himself lucky that his brooklyn forks didnt fail like this

^ OUCH :-o

no sympathy for that dude at all…

I was smart enough to stop riding them once i bent them slightly…

that breakage happend loooooooooong after it was discovered that the bmw forks dont hold up to hard tricking…

he should have known better, as it was widely known at the time that was filmed, that those forks, under that kind of use WILL fail, his forks were clearly bent ( as can be seen when he rides past the camera).

like i said, i dont feel sorry for him at all, when all the info and warning signs are there and you CHOOSE to ignore them, you get what is coming to you…

Boom, head shot!

And now i’m riding them :smiley:

yeh but i trust ur not doing stuff like that on them, and beside what do you weigh, like 30kg?? :smiley:

Dash & Will filmclip. The redhead one is riding a brakeless fixed through a park I can’t remember the name of in Japan (they show the rock and roll dancers a few shots before, who were there when I went). It’s near Harajuku.

It’s at 2.34 and 2.37.

PS: The song is TERRIBLE! I have to stop watching Video Hits.

Edit: It’s in Yoyogi park.

I would recommend skipping to 2.35 and watching for five seconds.
That song is terrible.

<3 thanks for saving me 2mins 35 of my life

Bike mechanics 101