2012 Austral Wheelrace 17th March 6:30pm


glad he isn’t asian. that woulda been fucked.

fixing it now.

seen you around a few times now. i’m the guy with the bodgy tattoos. come say hi next time.

no worries, will do man.

To all who came and supported Steve and I (plus the other Brunswickians (even though they insist on saying I’m from Launceston City! (did they call me a Tasmanian again?)) Ollie and Ben) thankyou very much.

It’s pretty rad riding in front of a sell-out crowd but even more radder when you’ve got some friends heckling/supporting. It is very much appreciated

Sorry I didn’t put on much of a show, I think form has been slipping since the end of Jan and I’m just raced-out at the moment (sorry to Steve & Brendan for going on about myself most of the night too = tres boring). I’m going to take a bit of a break now but I happy to come down Tuesday nights and man the desk (Dave I’m more than happy to take your spot on the desk tomorrow night especially after seeing the photos you took, including the most awesome photo taken of me of all time which has since be made into facebook profile & bedsheet print)

That’s bullshit, Jear. You rode very well! Here’s a pop quiz:

Q: What’s different about this photo of you when compared to Tuesday night racing?

A: You’re getting boxed in by a member of the Malaysian national track team!

Your too kind.

Ps. Is it weird that not only do we have matching kit but our bike’s colourway is quite similar also?

Not weird.


You two make a handsome couple.

I was thinking this too.

Say the “P” word, James. Do it.

My voice is still coming back after yelling so much that night.

One of the highlights was hearing BWK mentioned as the most aggressive club out there (or similar). Another was Steve’s showboating to our cheers as he rolled off the track each time.

If the Junior races were anything to go by, the future of australian track (and likely road) cycling is looking good.