2012 UCI Track World Championships. Melbourne 4-8 April

2012 UCI Track World Championships

So I’m going to throw the same idea I had for the 2010 Road Worlds out there.
Who wants to ride Sydney-Melbourne for the Track Worlds next year?!

Plenty of time to get leave, funds, mums permission etc so no excuses!

i was thinking of riding sydney-melbourne for the comedy festival which is around the same time, so I’m interested

This might actually be really good timing for me. I’m keen.

Are you going fixed or something slightly more practical?

i’m rolling super practical, surly crosscheck with ultegra triple

Yeah no requirements to do it fixed. Extra points for anyone who does though!

I doubt that I would ride it singles peed or fixed. Each to their own though.

Nathan, were you thinking of going down the coast? Would you camp or stay at motels?

I haven’t planned or thought through a single thing! ha ha.
I just threw the idea up to gauge interest. But yes, down the coast would be better, as would staying in motels/pubs so we don’t need to carry and pack/unpack camping equipment etc. Support vehicle may be wise, but not necessary.

Don’t know if this affects the planning but school holidays fall around this time in both states
NSW: 5th April-23rd April
Victoria: 30th March-16th April

and it’s public holidays (easter) 6-9th april

I’d say I’m keen (if you’ll have me). If it doesn’t conflict with the Mont24 or University.

The Mont24 will be held on March 24-25 2012.


What about
Tuesday 27th March - Depart Sydney
Tuesday 3rd April - Arrive Melbourne

This gives us 8 days to do just under 1000kms.

Wednesday 4th April - Start drinking and watching forwards circles
Monday 9th April - Finish up drinking on the flight back to Sydney.

So this will mean 14days leave from work/parental/husband/gimp duties.

Rough idea of route and stages.

Sydney NSW to Melbourne VIC - Google Maps

Where possible, we’ll aim to take B’ roads instead of the main freeway. Will have to put some more thought into it though.

Facebook event created. I’ve invited all on my friends list who may be interested. If your not on my list, feel free to RSVP to the event.

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Pending uni break and availability of a road bike (which depends on finances) I’ll be keen. I’d say yes at the moment because its something ive wanted to do for a long while.

Is anyone considering fixed?

I reckon Alex should do it fixed!

My knee’s are fucked enough to begin with, so I’ll be riding my road bike.

I think I’m in.

Glad there’s plenty of time to organise it. By that time I’ll have my road bike finished, so would consider taking it. Some of those stage are pretty long.

On the other hand I’ll probably have my custom Bundy fixed/road bike done by then too. Might be hard to leave that one at home.

hello sydney people,

as a veteran of the cannonball run, i am happy to share information with anyone considering riding sydney-melbourne. my advice is to take the coastal highway, as it’s quite scenic. my other advice is to drink lots, eat lots and sleep lots.

pm if you have any more questions.



When do we get to drink the beer?? :smiley:

nathan, brendan dose not drink beer. he is like me Straight Edge.