Abuse - Fighting Back?

It confuses me too, I haven’t heard someone yell that since I moved out of Adelaide.

Absolutly 100% agree and I practice this regularly.

Also agree, HOWEVER there is always going to be that small extremist MINORITY that need a good arse kicking.

Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave

broke these rules twice this morning heading to work:(
this weeks seems to be “lets do a U-turn in front of the cyclist and then decide we cant make it so we’ll just stop right in his path” week.
glad its nearly over…also glad i have brakes too otherwise yesterday i would have ended up looking like that ray kid on here

I see what you did there…

stop making sense…

i like to assume each horn honk is someone giving me an audible thumbs up for bike riding. that and/or a polite wave can be pretty fun/confusing.

What about the driver who opens their door in your path even after seeing you in their mirror?
A polite wave as you swerve around them?

a quick hit of the honka-hoota and a ‘thank you’ as you make an exaggerated swerve aruond the hazard.

people love the honka-hoota

use your left arm to shut the door on them, if you’re lucky you’ll squash their leg.
It requires some skill/practice, but when you get it, it’s great

I have been trying really hard to not yell at muppets.

In the past i have followed cars, waited for them to park and keyed them.
If you dont have that kind of time. A smile and a wave will suffice.

^ are you serious about the ‘keying’?

But trust me they were real cvnts.

mooning is good: it confuses, disgusts and delights.

And arouses everyone!

Fuck shortsie you are acting out my fantasies or something?

Don’t forget mckenny!

i always have so much trouble getting my shorts/pants down

On keying, I was once aggressively cut off going for a “parent with a pram” park by some prick, I asked him to be fair and blah blah, he told me (in not so many words) to get stuffed. Having the bubba with me at the time I decided to drive away, then go straight inside buy two blank toyota keys from the mister minute go out to his car (which didn’t even have an empty baby seat btw) and snap them off in both his door locks. I still laugh on the inside to this day :stuck_out_tongue:

wish i had the balls to do this haha ! My idol

Haha that is pretty funny, if the guy was a prick then so be it.

I had a mate at school whose brother was a bit agro. Someone stole a car park from him one day, after letting it slide at the time he came back later to slash all four tyres. Insane!