aerospoke reviews

looking to invest in a white front aerospoke.

any downsides i should know about before acquiring one?

More importantly, are there any upsides?

Apart from the weight, flex and inability to straighten they’re great.

They look “good”

haha this thread’s great!

I would agree with all the other comments.

Of course, if you doing time-trials and you needed an aerodynamic wheel, I might see some advantages of having an aerospoke.
But as a general wheel for the street? People buy them for their looks, not their performance.

only real downside is that white ones get dirty easier.

like the knees of white jeans…

Ghay, boring and unreliable. The red ones though… another story all together.

I hate Aerospokes, except for Aquamans

Pros: painted loud/disgusting colours makes you seen by traffic three suburbs away :smiley:

Cons: they are heavy, people try and still them and in the wind they are pretty much the worst…

Well then, you also better invest in;
a) black/stone wash jeans so tight your nuts look like crushed blackberries (optional: cut rips in knees to make it look like you ride hard and aren’t njs)
b) silver key chain to hang your house keys off so they can jangle freely in the wind and annoy the fuck out of everyone riding within 50ft of you.
c) buy some kind of tight fluro top with a slogan on it like ‘seattle marathon 84’ that makes absolutely no sense but looks vintage when in reality you payed $100 for it. (manadatory: sleeves must not be more than three inches long as to show off chicken arms)
d) finally, a cheap and effective way to get that "I’ve watched MashSF too many times” look is to rummage through your stationary cupboard at work and get a black marker and proceed to draw pictures on your arms and neck line of anything with flames or stars. Also get paper clips, these can be moulded and shaped into a variety of jewellery piercings. Note: if you do not have any piercings then the beauty of paperclips is that they can simply be clipped onto various facial features.

With an aerospoke and these golden rules, you cant go wrong. And remember kids if YOU don’t invest in things like this and help keep the fixie community running then who will?..oh yeah, just about every other wannabe out there

things that are OK on

riding brakeless
riding track bikes on the street
riding without a helmet
ridiculously narrow flat bars or risers
riding track drops in traffic
skidding as a braking tactic
colour coordination

things that are for hipsters and everyone will point and laugh at you for


I was watching Baywatch at 2am last night, and Summer and her boy went Kamikaze biking, and one of the dudes they were riding with had a Spin tri-spoke front wheel on his fluro mountain bike.

Some trends never die.

If you consider that bike nashbar sold aerospokes for $85 dorrar before they were cool (i.e. about 3 years ago), you get a good idea of how they were rated for performance.

sort of like track frames on ebay eh

hahah yeah…

Thats just what I was thinking… spooky!

Speak for yourself… :wink:

If you’re a nerd like me and read stuff at the end of fixed videos (coughMASHcough) you see they “thank” $100 triathlete classifieds ads for the tri-spoke / aerospoke.

That’s exactly where I got my disc and trispoke. Gotta love triathletes.

Ride whatever YOU want.

Your welcome - I don’t have disc or spoke wheels.


You people make them unaffordable.