Another Firefly 'dentist' commuter


I love the idea of titanium tubus rack

Don’t think those are Ti, pretty sure they’re just the SS tubus racks

jesus check out this one, another knob with no idea. ohh… wait. :wink:

Who would have though those who love bikes so much can hate on them so bad.

they actually make some Ti ones.

tubus - Logo Titan

Given the lack of seatpost, they must be REID customers upgrading.

Actually reading back through this old thread I sound like a bit of a douche and knowitall. Apologies everyone.
There is something about the original Firefly 29er commuter that just doesn’t sit right though…

One hell of a mixte! Flawless fenders lines…

(But I still prefer the squeaky Apollos I see around)

front fender needs work.

probs still be a flexy noodle.

Damn I don’t have the eye for it yet

Dear lord. A Ti Mixte?! With TRP V’s, WI Enos and H+Son Archetypes?!

[Tropic Thunder reference - removed by Mod]

Couldnt have said it better dice

Why can’t someone have a hell of a nice mixte?

They can, just not one made by Firefly.

fender lines, fender lines.

i would ride the absolute crap out of this. you guys can all get facked.


said the same about teh first one.
maybe i’m destined to be a dentist…nah.

Yeah why not?
Over spending on rubbish is crazy but why not lash out for a quality product that will stand the test of time?

Hell I’d buy it for my wife and she would never have to buy another bike as long as she could ride.

Ftfy - the all seem to have back problems.

I agree with @lemontimes - should have bought an On-One.
I want that segmented fork for my On-One - #matchymatchy