ASHCAN (aka JLN in modeling shocker)

Shit dude change your name back, your advertising with every post!!

Get him XBBX!!

ASHCAN has made it to BSNYC (well a link to Trackosaurusrex with the shirt).

Also, I particularly like the fact that they are looking for someone who “owns a fixed gear bike and can ride it well,” yet they still provide a link to the Wikipedia fixed-gear entry just in case. It’s obvious that the casting agent knows nothing about fixed-gear “fungus,” especially since he’s offering a “$750 buyout in perpetuity.” Everybody knows that the going rate for “selling out in perpetuity” among fixed-gear riders is a pair of Velocity Chukkers and maybe a dorky t-shirt of some kind, and I think the people in that Jared Leto video did it for like half a tuna sandwich apiece.

Doesn’t Bike Snob know B43’s are way hipper than Chukkers?

ask nickj.

Technically speaking… JLN should probably chuck in a percentage of his modelling fee as well.

But I didn’t get paid… :expressionless:

It depends, because it depends on a few things -

  • whether you have a carry/conceal permit (US) - not sure about the .au equivalent. I think we have to lie down with our hands over our heads if we even think about owning a firearm these days.
  • whether you are on a MTB course that has bears on it. No not the yarra bend psycho-x variety. Ok maybe
  • whether you’re riding in a cycling biathlon … pew pew pew
  • whether your firearm compliments or contrasts with the bike you’re riding. ie benelli with the battaglia, FN P90 with the ridley etc
  • whether your belief system permits dishing out hot lead enema after getting hit with a chicken period thrown from a moving vehicle

Beretto and Beretta.

BSA and… BSA.

the q noone has asked yet is: What the fuck does the slogan mean? :expressionless:

It’s a reference to this and also…

I think this provides plenty of inspiration for another t-shirt - “[this is my bike,] I must master it, as I must master my life.”


it ain’t quite “this machine kills fascists”, is it?

it ain’t quite “this machine kills fascists”, is it?

Pretty sure that slogan has already been taken.

Theres a guy in toronto that makes ‘This bike kills hipsters’ stickers.

I thought that was great… and then my friend changed it to ‘This bike kills hips’ and i laughed even more.

But its just as unlikely.

there is no evidence to suggest that hitler was not listening to woody guthrie when he took those cyanide pills…

there is a product/service. it’s just not public yet.


hats? is it hats?

Everybody knows that the going rate for “selling out in perpetuity” among fixed-gear riders is a pair of Velocity Chukkers and maybe a dorky t-shirt of some kind,

haha some nice publicity there from bikesnob.

For those in Melbourne, ASHCAN will be available at Saint Cloud on Gertrude St very soon.

And the next design will be out before the end of the month.

Unfortunately JLN will not be modeling due to the terms of his newly signed contract with American Apparel.

JLN is now officially a HOT DUDE ON A BIKE!!!