Aus Day Nebo ride




he might have been calling you “shirley”

but an 8am departure from Planet still provides ample time to hit Nebo beforehand???

you old fuks sure do speak funny

the weather is looking better.
i’ll be at planet cycles at 8 anyway…

good ride! 103km for me at 31.5km/hr
quite, quite sore atm.

potato dave! i just learned of this yesterday… haha i wonder if the garmin keeps track of the total time it spends paused… that would be an interesting stat!!!

i am still perfecting my “speed stop pause” which jeremy taught me…
ie you don’t just glide to a halt you come in hot and slam on the brakes and then quickly hit “pause”.

you could always try pedalling faster in order to return a decent average speed - I find it quite effective

good little ride on Thursday too