Bar tape recommendations..


Been using Deda & Cinelli cork tape for ages. Seems good and lots of colours.

Got some Zipp Service Course CX tape on the Crux now.
Will see how it goes over the winter. The Specialized tape that came on the Crux was the worst tape
I’ve every seen.

Except step 10. That’s amateurish and completely unnecessary I think.

so true about the finishing tape

what holds your barplugs in then?

I just use bar plugs that fit the bars properly.

wonder when they’ll start including some leccy tape instead of shitty ‘pretty’ tape.

Which ones?

I always put a short piece in the bar, set the wrap angle, tape away, and then tuck/plug cleanly.

Cinelli & Easton. And some no name ones and the Llewellyn ones I got from Darryl.

Maybe my bars are narrower? You know my drops are ‘old’ by today’s standards.

Weird, the cinelli ones I’ve used wouldn’t stay put without bartape / something to take up the space between the bar and them.

That fizik tape with the hard finish that DOESN’T stretch at all required a hell of a lot of malleting to get the plugs to seat. They’re never coming out.

i like the white fizik microtex tape, but the colours are on a white base, and you can see the white on the exposed edge. if you tape from the end up, it looks shithouse (i haven’t used the black stuff yet, and i have some dark grey soft-touch on order for the litage, so i’ll see how that goes).

and here’s some finishing porn: