Beer me!!!

I need to quench a thirst, anyone had any new and/or different beers that I should be on the hunt for?

You’ve had Little Creatures PA I take it? Heavy on the hops, like Sierra Nevada PA.

being a non drinker all i can offer you is pineapple juice… a couple of litres and the girls will be coming back for more of ya!



And cinnamon for the ladies.

As for the original question: Like stouts? I tried that Cascade stout a couple of days ago and was great Ok, so it was Friday afternoon after a long week - any beer is great beer at that time.


spuddy your eyes will be like that permenantly if you take my advise… makes everything all sweet!


when i did drink though I used to love knocking back a few lowenbrau’s and duval’s (sp) with some cracked pepper on top!

Back on track lads…Whats beer should me be drinking?

Speights Gold (warm)

Really, what type of beer is it?

Funny thing - when I first meet my wife, she gave me the heads up re the whole pineapple juice thing, so for weeks I drank nothing but Pineapple juice…didn’t get me anywhere though, if you know what I mean…hahaha. Laugh? - she pissed it in when I told her how much juice I had been drinking. Last laugh was definetly on me. Hahahaha.

But seriously - TECATE!!!

I second Speights and also Monteiths from NZ as well. Also I recommend cask wine because when you shake it up it looks like beer especially after a few glasses. When you finish the cask you have a inflatable pillow to sleep on.

Anything cheap and nasty, because the miss’us now has control of the finances.

I’d forgotten about Monteiths, but don’t let that sully it’s name, it’s a great beer. Green Fern is also another tasty NZ beer.

hazard ale, wineglass bay brewery

RHINO! MATE!!! BUDVAR (czec goodness) all the f^&%kin way!.. and monteiths ‘golden’. and ‘black’. hoegaarden ‘grand cru’ made me chuck nori sheets last time i drank it, but twas a pleasure on the way down.

its all reasonable except (and this is for those in The Can) Braidwood ‘milk stout’ which is the sickest s^&t i’ve ever touched

Anyone ever tried Tiawan Beer

We had it once on a rowing trip in Ilan, Taiwan.

It was piled in pyramids at the opening ceremony dinner. Just what a 18 university rowing crews wanted…

You can imagine the carnage!!! :?

It came to be knowN to us as TB (when warm, I was told it tasted like piss. I can’t vouch for this, as i couldn’t compare)

Interesting beer anyway[/b]

You can’t go past a Chimay Grande Reserve(blue) , Gouden Carolus or Rochefort 10 , but if it’s serious hops and bitterness at a fair price try James Squire IPA

I am now on the Tooheys PILS. Despite all the temptation that In the Pink throws my way…

Top 50 in Aust…

Don’t see XXXX up there, must be a fault.

I haven’t given up yet…a lot of v. fine tonsil ticklers to go

A large number still to try for me too.
I have never even heard of most of those.