Boring Confessions

I have no idea what’s going on.

youre not the only one.

Joni can have little a muesli

Yesterday I was handed a voucher for a free coffee at a new cafe.
This morning I redeemed the voucher and got a free coffee. I used my Keep Cup.
The barista guy called me “Captain”.

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Did you take it back to the muesli?

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I’d had my muesli earlier, so no.

where did you eat the work though?

I was wearing my over ear headphones the wrong way around for 10 minutes yesterday.

I never used to like bananas, the texture was not for me. Recently I’ve been having mashed banana in my porridge & have also enjoyed it the last two mornings mashed on toast with peanut butter.

I think I may now like bananas. That, or I’m regressing into childish eating habits & will soon be mashing everything.

Carabiner jangles in the distance and Friends and Family starts playing

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I was put off them for life by the sight of my dad peeling and eating an overly ripe one.
But at some point in my adulthood I faced my demons and have half of one sliced on my Weetbix every day

very visual & obviously traumatising.

have always hated bananas and still do. Never even had to taste one, the sheer smell of them is enough to make me puke.

Staying firm on this devil vegetation.

A sight a young child should not have to see

This happened again.
The barista did not call me “Captain” this time.

I spent $15 on parking for the first time yesterday. My car did not get damaged by hail. Best $15 I have spent

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The hail last Sunday south of Melb was wild! GF sent me a vid of golf ball sized hunks (Xpost with Beyond Metric?) pelting her house.

At least golf balls are a standard size.
It’s when we get hail the size of grapefruit we need to worry.

Saw the hail described as the size of ‘limes’ in the media. Thought that was a weird one…

The coffee shop stopped giving away coffee. Coffee now costs $2, for the month of February. If you take a KeepCup (or similar) they take 50c off the price.