Brewery Ride v16

roadies allowed?

+1 i dont get to melb till nov 8th and i want to drink beer and ride!

Let me know next time jomes

I will! I was actually going to see if you were keen, but was unsure if I was going to be able to ride or not due to work. But I’m going to start doing some early rides as much as possible over summer so will definitely give you a shout next time I go.

Yes, but you will be heckled the whole way :stuck_out_tongue:

If you do miss the first one there will be two (possibly three) more, unless the first one goes down like a sack of shit. By the way, you spelt vagina wrong. :smiley:

haha okay fair enough.

By the way, you spelt vagina wrong.

really??? wow hahaha not only is it a joke of a 15 yr old but it has the spelling of a 12yr old, oah well

Okay, listen up…

After a false start, the first brewery ride will take place on Saturday 5th December 2009*, with the destination being the White Rabbit Brewery in Healesville, followed by the Coldstream Brewery in Coldstream, which we would have to ride past anyway, so we may as well stop for a refresher.

It’s about a 124km round trip. I was thinking of going a different way back to keep it interesting, sugested route here.

It should take about three hours to get out there, so if we meet at Fed Square at 8:15 for a 8:30 roll out, factoring in a few stops we should get there between 12:00-13:00 where we can partake in a cleansing ale** and a barbecue.

This will certainly be one of the longest rides I’ve been on, so I will be taking it easy***. A bit of rain doesn’t worry me, but if it is pissing down at the start or the forcast looks decidedly grim, I might re-schedule. I’ll be riding fixed as it’s the only bike I own, but all bikes capable of making the distance at a reasonable pace are welcome.

If you don’t want us to leave without you, PM me your details and I can make sure you are at the start line, otherwise we’ll see you there.

I will add more details as a.) they come to hand, and b.) I remember them.

Pumped Up. :mrgreen:

*Back to Saturday so I get Sunday to recover.
**Please drink responsibly, I won’t be carrying anyone home as a result of excessive drinking.
***Wednesday Fix rules apply…but I’ve never been on one, if someone could brief me.

will come if the diary allows.

good work organising one.


I’ve got my Warrny ride on the 28th/29th otherwise I would have been all over this. Have fun :cry:

One route tip, maybe change which way you go out and back? i.e. go out via Eltham and back via Lilydale. The Lilydale way is less hills, better roads and has access to train stations from Lilydale all the way in to the city. Not suggesting anyone will want to bail out on the way home after a few jars but hey, it’s good to have that option… :slight_smile:

EDIT: lol, Breakneck Rd, nice one :smiley:

Yeah good call, might be good to have the train option if the legs stop working.

Shit, this ride doesn’t even compare to the Warrny tour! I wanted to join you, but I’m heading down that way over new year’s, so it seemed a bit of a double up. Hope you can join us on the next brewery ride!


If you’ve never ridden that far, had a few ‘quiet ones’ and then look at the way up and out of yarra glen to eltham you might feel a little concerned. :expressionless:

we will earn our first beers by yarra glenn, then to lilydale (via healesville) is an easier run. then its the joys of maroondah back into town. :wink:

awesome cant wait for this

Bump! This Sunday… :sunglasses:

who’s going? weather’s looking decent at this point in time


yeah i’m in but i don’t usually drink but i will for this :smiley:

im getting more and more enthusiastic about this, am keen to test myself over a decent distance and some different terrain. The final decision will depend on the weather I guess but im most likely down

ok, so this is gonna be the longest ride i’ve done. any tips for nutrition.
i bonked towards the end of the last time i did 100km. shoould i get powerbars/gels, bananas?
shoud i eat a big bowl of pasta on saturday night?

tips appreciated

Greasy hamburgers are suprisingly good during the ride*, as well as those hawaiian pizza things you can pick up from bakers delight. I think the best thing is to eat little and often - if you find yourself getting hungry, it’s probably too late - you’re already in bonk territory.

  • personal opinion - might not work for everyone…