de rosa

like the thread says…
De Rosa Team Pista Track Frame and Fork - eBay, Other Cycling, Cycling, Sport. (end time 01-Jun-10 13:20:32 AEST)

This will sell for at least $1200.00 I’m guessing…

This will sell for at least $1200.00 I’m guessing…

And it looks like there is a second one to the right of it in the photo…

All I can say is that I’m glad it’s not my size :slight_smile:


seller tells me he has already been offered US$1600. these really worth that much?

it is absolute porn, and people pay for that shit dude.
Plus, aren’t de rossa’s always expensive?

how do you continually do this???
do you not think before you type?

Oh dude, what did i say that was wrong?
My apologies if it annoys you.

Whew! that really is a sweet frame and fork. I guess it will go to Japan.

If its the same thing built up beside it, I’m not happy about the blue chain. This will be a good indicator of the ‘value’ of things.

Nah De Rosas are shit. If you find one just let me know and I’ll give you $20 for the metal.

Sorry about the double post, but ‘these’ sounds like there’s a chance of getting another one. i see it as a ‘this’… people who want it and are seriously considering buying it will bid with the idea that they might never see another one in the same condition.

ok, wasn’t aware these were so rare. besides the marque, is there anything particularly special about this frame? not that i’m looking to buy (out of my league), just interested.

Not really. Well made Italian Columbus steel frame, nothing more. However like Masi etc, they just happen to be extremely collectible.

very nice and in my size…

should have taken that $1600 US

Meh. 1997 model. It’s no classic De Rosa like that blue / white one that I can’t for the life of me right now. Possibly the best looking steel track bike ever. (Not the blue one with the Shamals)

The blue one with Shamals IS the best looking track bike ever!!

is he selling the one next to it too?

So not this one?