Dirty Day Out - Sunday 3 July

I’m down for that one !!

Ah, dude, that would have been sweet - but now have other plans :frowning:

Will post here if plans change again!

I haven’t done a decent ride since Easter, so I’m considering getting out early and riding part/most/all of the way to Ourimbah then doing the shortcut version of the ride, then heading back home via train.

Just a lazy 70km of hills before you meet us? You’ll be nice and warm by then.

Red hill will be fun then after 90 km.

Yeah, I expect to die a thousand deaths. And use my 30x32 quite a bit.

Sounds good. I dream of one day owning a cassette that competes in size with my chainring.

I’ve updated the start of the thread with more info. Remember if catching the train to choose one of the rear 6 carriages.

Also the water in Ourimbah tastes heavily of chlorine, so fill up beforehand.

I’m out!
Bec has been in Townsville for the past week, and I Forgot she is still on holidays.
so spending the day with her tomorrow.
Have fun and ride safe.

Still in. Subject to change on a whim.

I’m in. Will be on that train at Berowra.