Events unrelated to bikes

to keep it on topic theres also the geelong motor revival
Event Schedule | Geelong Revival

The Moreland Council are asking the John Gorilla Cafe to remove the yardsticks from the front of the cafe - against their own planning guidelines. After the various inspectors all approved the design & implementation. There’s a petition here: Save John Gorilla Yardsticks - to save the facade of the cafe.

Hey post-rock music fans! My friends band, The Burning Sea, are playing at The Public Bar tonight with another Adelaide band (Valiant Jones). I can’t vouch for them, but The Burning Sea are pretty damn good. Fans of Mogwai, Isis, Russian Circles, Polvo, etc should check them out. Bring ear plugs.

In Sth Yarra for a beer tonight if anyone is keen

Check that… Make it tomorrow night…

Anyone seen any good shows on for the Melbourne Festival? Saw “Hip Bone Sticking Out” tonight; not what I expected, was bloody hilarious and also really sad (Jeez white people were/are assholes to aborigines…). Would highly recommend it.

Come my house party because bike people are awesome company.

edit: And my housemate disagrees.