I’d like to say all of them … but if I had to watch only one every week till I die it’d be 2001 A Space Odyssey. That’s to me is perhaps the most religious film of all time, or to put it better, perhaps defines the concept of God and mortality in such a profound and remarkable way that it becomes palatable and endearing.
And I’ve only ever watched it straight (not high).
Center Cinema in Canberra closed in 2003. The penultimate film shown there was a 70mm print of 2001 and included the interval. There’s no point in me watching it at home after that experience.
I watched Ôdishon (1999) a few weeks ago, not being able to remember if I had or hadn’t seen it in the past. Right before the final scene I realised I had and quickly turned it off so as not to upset the gf. A shame, I really like some of Miike’s stuff (eg Rainy Dog) but the gore is sometimes a bit too much for others to bear.