Fix Up Look Sharp: WOF - Coming Soon

is that a username?

I’ve heard Rudd rides brakeless, causing a point of contention during Question Time with Abbot, who prefers the standard roadie.

Man, I want a name or summat.
But thanks for the sauce.

I’ll give you a little tip; That image has been photoshopped. She isn’t actually that muscly. Which is probably a good thing, really.

Sorry if I just ruined her for you.

how’s she all that junk in the front?

Aww dude, I can never pick a shoop :frowning:
Pity bout it, but a man can dream.


Not long to go now. Final flyer will be released this week with full details, and the looong list of sponsors giving us a tonne of great shit to give away.

Shifter, Knog, Pony Bikes, Skin Grows Back, Velocity, Brisbane Outdoor Gear, G-Shock, Genovese, Spray Ya Bike, Gear Brisbane, Urban Burger. Jesus fucking christ are we serious!? Yes. Yes we are deadly serious.

Also, if anyone is able to ride equipped with a helmet-cam, please get in touch with me. AND anyone who isn’t going to be able to race but is keen to man a checkpoint, get in touch with me also.

Thank you so much.


too close to some big races for me. but i’m still keen to help out.

oh really… in that case I shall craft a xbbx checkpoint.

near a lord of the fries? there’s one in norflands now!

Mmmmmmmm mini-burgers! I’m going to get Lord of the Fries to sponsor.

i’ve considered asking them in the past. have you ever read their newsletter? they’re all total hipsters. i reckon they’d be into it.

New thread here.

MODS - Please lock this now and then delete this thread on the 10/03/2010.