fixed-gear movies storyline suggestions

More… keeep them comming…maybe Blues Brothers…

I’ll suggest some dialogue…

The Dude: Fuck sympathy! I don’t need your fuckin’ sympathy, man, I need my fucking fixie!
Donny: What do you need that for, Dude?

Walter Sobchak: You want a toeclip? I can get you a toeclip, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me.
The Dude: Yeah, but Walter…
Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toeclip by 3 o’clock this afternoon… njs too. These fucking amateurs…

Walter Sobchak: I told those fucks down at the DISC a thousand times that I don’t roll on Schwalbes!
Donny: What’re Schwalbes?

Walter Sobchak: don’t fucking roll!
The Dude: Walter…
Walter Sobchak: Schwalbes fucking Schwalbes.
The Dude: Oh fuck it. I’m out of here.
Walter Sobchak: Dude, come on…
[rolls his eyes at Donny]
Walter Sobchak: BABY…
[Donny nods]

Thread of the year.

Kevin Bacon is a hotshot business man, but loses it all. He goes on to ride what appears to be a single speed without brakes against Morpheus who is riding An Old Crappy Ten Speed. Mad car driver intent on Kevin Bacon’s death ensue, as well as hot babes, as well as sweet proto-fixed gear free styling.

Might cause a trend?

In the film’s climactic scene, Johnny, even though he has been fired, returns to Martin Pl to perform the final trackstand of the season with Baby. Excoriating the Housemans for their choice of Baby’s bicycle, he utters the film’s most famous line, “Nobody puts Baby on a pista,” as he pulls her up from the family’s table. Johnny leads Baby onto the stage, interrupting the show that is already in progress. After a brief speech, Johnny and Baby dazzle the audience with a stunning backward-circle-and-other-faggotry performance to the song “The Bane of My Life” which ends with Baby completing the front-wheel lift for the first time. Dr. Houseman learns that the true culprit in Penny’s conversion was Robbie, not Johnny, and he apologizes (Robbie having accidentally confessed to using a suicide hub earlier in the scene, while talking to Dr. Houseman). The film ends as the backwheel flim-flammery sequence continues and the room is transformed into The Blue Oyster where everyone, staff and patrons, give each other dutch-rudders whilst backward circling together.

PS, what the FUCKING FUCKKKK is up with this site’s bandwidth. It took me 25 minutes to post this.

Gypsy and lam’s adventure. Two Young men, one 1000km stretch of rode. Can they make it from Brisbane to Sydney in time for mardi gras? A musical erotic thriller the whole family can enjoy.

This is fucking outstanding! Keep them coming!

Good idea, but there are already enough fixed gear documentarys getting around :wink:

Walter Sobchak: Fuck it, Dude, let’s go mashin’.

what’s a BOB? this reads awfully similar to Point Break, though i suppose changing surfboards to bikes constitutes that mythical 10% difference/avoid copyright infringement thang.

Gypsy and LAM’s ride to Sydney VS. Brokeback Mountain could definitely be a hit.

^^ Love Ant Man’s script, Karate Kid meets Days Of Thunder. I’m already hanging out for the sequel…

Can Scarlett Johansson play Carla, pleeeeeeaaaasssse?

Yeah… BOB?
The fast and the furious… funny because on the last ride we thought the Fast and the Fixie would be a good event name. Followed of course by 2 fast 2 fixie.

Ask and you shall receive…

The film begins six months after the first, shortly after Daniel’s Year 12 formal. Daniel receives several pieces of bad news, having been dumped by Carla, crashed his Nagasawa and learned that his mother will move to Moe for work. Koichi takes Daniel to his backyard and restores the boy’s focus by having him build a new wing for Koichi’s house. This architectural work has a hidden side: It is revealed that Daniel is building a guest room for himself, Koichi having arranged for Daniel to live with him while his mother goes to Moe.

Koichi receives a letter telling him his father is dying. Koichi intends to return to Japan alone, but Daniel uses part of his university savings to accompany him. Arriving in Kokura City, they are confronted by Koichi’s old friend, Sato and his favorite nephew, Chozen. They were once best friends who studied cycling under Koichi’s father, but became rivals because they loved the same woman, Yukie. Koichi fled Kokura to avoid a race with Sato.

Koichi and Daniel are welcomed to Kokura by Yukie and her niece Kumiko. They learn that Sato is now a rich industrialist, whose supertrawlers have destroyed the local fish population, impoverishing the cities inhabitants, who have turned to tourism to survive. Further complicating the lives of the citizens is the fact that they rent their property from Sato, who has slowly acquired the entire city over the years.

On his deathbed, Koichi’s father begs for both his son and student to make peace with each other by drawing their hands together. Once he gasps his last breath, Sato pulls his hand away, telling Koichi that out of respect for his coach, he will give him the customary period to mourn, but will expect to face him in a final race.

During the course of their stay in Kokura, Koichi teaches Daniel that the secret to his family’s cycling lies in a handheld drum that beats itself when twisted back and forth. This “drum technique”, as Koichi calls it, represents the cadence rythym that Daniel attempts to practice during the course of the film. Koichi warns him that the powerful technique should only be used as a last resort.

Meanwhile, Daniel has run afoul of Chozen and his gang (Taro and Toshio) by revealing that they were cheating the villagers. Additionally, during a visit to Hiroshima, Daniel is forced by Chozen to attempt to beat the record for the Minute Challenge. Koichi, upon arriving, bets a large amount of money thet Daniel will succeed. Sato, also arriving, covers the bet. Daniel, using a breathing meditation technique taught to him earlier in the film, is able to break the record. Chozen and the others continue to harass Daniel and Kumiko, an attractive young Okinawan who wishes to someday study dance and leave her country, and sparks a romantic interest in Daniel. One night Chozen and his thugs heavily damage the bicycle collection which once belonged to Koichi’s father. Koichi arrives and scares off the trio, and then makes the decision to return to the U.S. the following morning.

Koichi is greeted by Sato and a fleet of bulldozers and other earth-moving equipment the following morning. Sato threatens to destroy and redevelop the velodrome if Koichi persists in his refusal to race him. Angered at being pushed into a corner in this manner, Koichi finally agrees to race his former friend, on the condition that no matter who wins, Sato must agree to relinquish the title to the city’s homes to them. Sato balks, stating that he asks for too much. Koichi plays on his pride and replies that it’s a small price to pay for his honor. Sato agrees to the terms.

The night of the race, the village is hit by a typhoon. The locals gather at the local shelter, including Koichi and Daniel. Koichi watches Chozen enter and asks him of his uncle. Chozen replies that Sato is dead. Both Daniel and Koichi go to Sato’s destroyed club rooms and find Sato pinned under several 3-rensho frames. Koichi splits the frames in half with his bare hands and frees his former friend, taking him to safety.

Daniel then rides to the bell tower, where the girl who rang the warning bell is frozen in fear. Sato sees him struggling and orders Chozen to ride out to help him. Chozen refuses, because he feels that Daniel has dishonored him. Ashamed of his nephew’s total lack of compassion, Sato goes after Daniel right as Koichi prepares to leave, asking to go in his stead. Sato helps Daniel free the girl and they dink her back to the shelter, where Sato renounces his nephew. A devastated Chozen flees.

Sato and his earth-movers return the following morning. Sato greets Koichi with a bow, telling him that he is there to help rebuild the city, handing him the deed, and begs forgiveness, which Koichi happily waives off, saying there is nothing to forgive. Daniel takes advantage of the opportunity to ask Sato to hold the upcoming track carnival in the city’s velodrome. Sato agrees if Daniel will join him and the other villagers in the celebration.

As Kumiko is performing her dance to start the carnival, the carnival is interrupted by Chozen, who crashes into the velodrome and holds a knife to the frightened girl’s throat. Sato implores his nephew to overlook the matter between him and Daniel, stating that he was wrong to hate Koichi and that hate is wrong. Chozen is unfazed by his uncle’s words, and tells them he will kill Kumiko if Daniel does not come into the velodrome and race him. Daniel agrees, and does so.

Chozen discards the knife and begins to race Daniel, who is able to hold Chozen’s wheel. Both of them are well-matched, and each spends time attacking and responding. However, Chozen slowly gains the upper hand. When Koichi and the other villagers take out their hand drums and beat them in unison, Daniel understands what he must do. As Chozen attacks one final time, Daniel successfully increases his cadence to 300rpm, defeating Chozen. Daniel comes across the line and skids to a stop, he then embraces Kumiko while Koichi eyes him with great pride.

Fuckin vegans, always got preach your shit. :roll: :evil: :stuck_out_tongue:

Wasn’t as good as the original… :wink:

no way. heaps beter than the original

BOB= bob trolley a kind of bike trailer
You could probably substitute xtracycle or some kinda cargo bike in the fast and furious script.
The truck fight scene would be hilarious on the deck thing you can get for xtracycles :smiley:

2 days and it’s turned into a franchise already !

The same ones from Snowflake’s movie?

Dan, these are hilarious, I only take offense at your casting BCC as an evil club with nefarious methods. Everyone knows that’s Northcote CC.

someone should do the sequal to F&F tokyo drift and the bad dudes can ride those strange fixed bikes w/ 20in wheels.