FIXED.ORG Sneaker Heads

culturekings have a 2 for $60 sale on selected items, theres a bunch of kids air max 90s and roshes available.

My kids keep out growing their nikes so decent deal if you have kiddies!

I just recently went to their Sydney store. They had a live DJ, pumping bass as hell, New Era hats everywhere, kids with over-sized T’s wherever you looked and I thought…this is sick but man I got old.

mate, i could not agree with you more! I walked into their perth store to see if they had any stock i could get for my kids with this sale. Ive never wanted to leave a store as quick as i did that day.

getting old indeed.

Glad I am not the only one!

Me three, culture kings makes me feel old.

Killer score today at Jindalee DFO… 90 essentials for $55! The universe rewarded me braving that crazy joint solo with three kids on a rainy Sunday.


You forgot the barbers in there cutting fades.

they have some sick stuff, but that shop is just too much. You can’t even escape it shopping online when your gear turns up in a culture kings floppy plastic mail bag. The shame of it all.

It’s rare to get a proper deal on a good shoe at DFO. That’s a great find. The Vans store at the airport DFO sometimes has good deals in the last pairs rack, I scored some old schools for $40 (Black and dark grey checkered).

RE: Culture Kings. I refuse to go there, last time I was desperate for some work shoes on the cheap I gave in. The experience lasted about 6 steps.

Oops double

#airmaxmonday for the little fella

^nice! watch him grow out of them in the next month.

Has/Is anyone used the new NikeID for Australia?

TN FTW, they see me runnin’

some pretty good prices, postage is $25, even better if you guys split postage. some awesome euro colourways

Cheers Jase. Ordered a pair of Nike Tennis Classic AC with blue highlight at good price.

easy jimbo, tempted myself but bike parts always trump :smiley:

Guys, bought the following Nike Air Max 90 OG via a friend who works at Nike, so a cool 50% discount. However, they are a minimum 1/2 size too small…so grab some heat. Priced at $90…based in Melbourne, and happy to ship.


looots of cool shit here for some awesome prices, free postage over $40!

I’ve been watching the series of ROUND TWO on YouTube…start at Season 1, Ep 1 and just binge watch everything…