Hey Guys,
After browsing on you tube at all the fixie vid’s on there is there any fixie dvd’s out there that would be worth taking a look at? I would not mind getting my hands on a few different vid’s if there is any out there.
Cheers Brad
Hey Guys,
After browsing on you tube at all the fixie vid’s on there is there any fixie dvd’s out there that would be worth taking a look at? I would not mind getting my hands on a few different vid’s if there is any out there.
Cheers Brad
Mash, bootleg, fast friday, council of doom. Give Eric @ Gear a call tomorrow and he’ll sort you out, he’s got all of them in stock plus a couple of others i think.
07 3846 7900
Nice one will give him a call tomorrow does he do mail order by any chance as i am located in Melbourne.
Cheers Brad
yeah he’ll post anywhere. It’ll be cheap postage. Dvd’s aren’t heavy you’ll be able to get expess bag with like 3 dvds for like 10$.
Yeah though postage would be any hassle.Whats a awsome dvd you could recomend out of the titals mentioned above.
Cheers Brad
so macaframa should be available on dvd soon ayyy
i’d like a premiere first. so i can see wether its worth buying.
i think it will be worth buying, however for some stupid reason they dont wanna do a premier outside the US untill its officially released on dvd… WTF :? whatever :?
Yeah, I tried to get a Macaframa screening in Adelaide. The Council Of doom guys were nice enough to let me do one, but the Macaframa guys weren’t so keen… I understand that a screening could consist of three people in my lounge room, but still…
yeh was gonna go to that then realised it was a week ealier (damn my lack of concept of time in holidays).
are there any torrent links or anything out there - or is that unethical/illegal :evil:??
perhaps PM me if not
i know there was a link to mash on farkin/rotorburn a while back…
but you all should pay hard cash for these dvd’s, support the fixed community!
and on the macaframa thing, we contacted the late last year about doing a preview, they took forever to reply, was just a hassle. on the other handle, despite a delay in the dvd getting to us(literally an hour prior to the screening!), we got the aus premier of council of doom here in brissy easy as, no problems.
and as marty mentioned GEARbrisbane has the council of doom dvd in stock too
i think bootleg sessions 3 will be out shortly too, which GEAR will have also
Mash for the traffic and a few tricks thrown in for good measure.
Bootleg and council for tricks and not much else.
I’d go Mash, but that’s my thing.
If Nate brings out the cammera
soon enough
This has turned into the thread that lets everyone know that you go home from polo
Macaframa… when it comes out is completely worth checking out. Some ridiculous riding that still stands up even with the rapid pace of tricking. Keo’s section will blow your mind…
Rainer’s section helps you understand why the guy crushes on the street.
It is definitely more ‘arty’ than the straight to youtube filming of bootleg etc… but thats in part b/c colby and colin wanted to make something that would stand up for a while. If you have ridden in SF (or seattle) it is mindblowing as some of the hills they storm are bizonkulous.
For the skaters the cardiel part is heartwarming (bonus j.stranger cameos!)
I was at the SF premiere (which i believe is the DVD version, the version that showed at vegas was re-edited and additional filming was done - plus a couple of riders changed their songs). I was staying in the house where it was being done and the consensus was that the SF edit was consdierably better.
As for why they wont do any more premieres… well there were some issues with music licenscing (the soundtrack was low on ‘hipster’ beats, and big on some random but rad tracks). Given that at the time the film was being done on less than a shoestring budget and had blown up completely from what the boys had originally planned they had to go into lockdown. Neither Colin nor Colby had jobs for the last few months of filming or editing and they get product but not $$ from sponsors so getting the DVD produced/duplicated for sale was beyond their means at premiere time.
Combine that with an ‘incident’ after the Salt Lake City premiere where the film started ‘circulating’ and they needed to protect their work slightly. Any legal problems would invite a bit more attention on their lives than they want.
Also they were engaged by a very large footwear company for a somewhat related filming project shortly after the premiere that was to (more than), but that was being negotiated while I was in SF. not sure if that went ahead but if it did that was going to help them pay for a lot of the upcoming costs like duplication of the film, but i dont think they were going to see the cash for little bit.
I’ve been given some assurances a Melbourne premiere is on the cards (from a couple of the riders who i know personally), but given the nature of the the last few months anything is possible. If someone offers to fly some of them out here or pay $$$ and trump my deal (very DIY) then that’s all good. I’d just like to see some good friends hard work get rewarded.
I’d be happy to work out something with other states if it comes off.
Yeah, I’ve watched MASH more than CoD.