For every dooring on Collins, there is an equal & opposite reaction...


dafuq are all these people?

puts on pants

Lol at Jolan’s battery %


It was deliberate.

QUICK! Hide the boardgames thread!

Quick! Hide the armholes thread!!!

Quick! Hide brendan!

Jussss kiddin.

Did a lot of new members/donors sign up?

not that I know of, the system counts guests as ppl online too


Very well played.

I feel like someone has walked in during a long successful bout of Dutch ruddering.

Great post and comments. Good job FoA.

Yer, I posted it here: CYCLIVIST - a blog for cyclists. — Motorists are humans too, but it

Just gonna pat myself on the back.

Damn good story too. I ride along Sydney Rd nearly every day and it’s a hell pit of fuckwittery.