Friday Hypothetical

I’d go forward one week to see the next episode of “The Shire”…

Why not go straight to inventing hoverboards and self lacing hightops.

This sounds really stupid - but I would like to go back to the early 80’s, maybe late 70’s. As I was a kid in the 80’s - life seemed a little happier back then. I just remember hanging out a lot with friends and family, going away on bush walks etc. For me, I don’t really see much of this happening these days. Society just seems too busy in the present.

I am probably totally wrong about this because I was just a kid during the 80’s.

Or I could go back and invent Facebook.

don’t do this ezy. i like you, this would change everything.

Its cos when your a kid you don’t have a job.

“Well if I could go back to anytime, I do believe I’d go back to a week last Tuesday”


“Well don’t you remember? I did all the laundry, and then we watched TV. We wont see the likes of those days anymore”

Greece. Anytime between 320BC-200BC.

Surely it is more than that. How dependent are we on technology these days for information and entertainment? We look to our screens for entertainment rather than look outside.

I’d go back to that night in a South Yarra pub somewhere in the late 80’s when the Bull sisters asked me to get up and sing with them…and I would NOT chicken out.

this is turning into a TC thread

yeah, I guess but I played my Amiga a bunch when I was kid.

Also, you reckon we have just replaced our TV time with internet time?

I’d go back in time to ask the dude who invented the snooze button why he settled on 9 minutes? Surely 15 or 20 minutes would be a much better snooze period of time. 9 minutes just gives me the shits and I hit snooze again and when it goes off a second time I’m even more pissed off so I’ll hit it a third time and thus waste 27 mintues when 15 or 20 would have been perfect and snooze worthy.

Mr. Snooze button man got it really fucking wrong. He needs to be told.

I’d go back to 11.22am and permaban Chux before he starts this thread.

Yo, spirito… And anyone else who doesn’t like waking up.

You can buy these alarm clocks called dawn simulators (search eBay for ‘Philips wake-up light’) which gradually make the room light up over about 30 mins. You wake up gradually as the light gets brighter, then you know when you need to get out of bed when the simulated bird sounds start.

They are bloody great if you have to get up when it is still dark, which is probably most people in winter. It’s not a gimmick… Wakefulness is directly related to light reception of the eyes. Banger.

I had to get up at 4 for an old job it sucked, eating breakfast that early was hard, though on the plus side you would do 4 hours of work before you really woke up.

I got one of these already and it’s free (called the sun). I can feel it’s getting light outside, I know the alarm is about to go off but when it’s cold outside and warm in bed it’s never gonna be easy. I do what any man does and wake up, put the kettle on for the Mrs. and boot medo (the dog) outside to pass off some of the pain. The tea/toast and watering the vegies makes it all OK again, and it’s not as cold as I first think.

Seriously though … I miss living on a cliff edge at the beach when the surf is big. Dawn couldn’t come soon enough after listening to crashing waves all evening.

Holy shit. I am so on this.

nope… internet time replaced “work time”

It’s funny cos it’s true

1965 and live in Noosa surfing every day eating fish we caught,
I would invent the short board,
Tell the americanns they are years behind
I’d live like my hero’s Hayden, mcravish, greenough, Kevin platt, Adler
I’d be mad cool probably just listen to old Myles Davis and eat coconuts.

No bills no phone no care work repairing boards