Gears and Beers - Wagga

Just reminding you about this, Dave

WCP approved

Would love to meet you mate

He’ll be the guy with the beard, also wearing Rapha. He should stand out.


Soooo… I didn’t realise this was a ‘limited places’ thing and I haven’t registered and the Dirty 130 is sold out.
If anybody comes to know about a spare ticket because someone can’t make it, please let me know.

Bummer. Maybe just tag along on the ride?

Just where some rapha and no-one will guess your not meant to be there

That’s Plan B

Can do

Date has been set for this, October 1st!

Plenty of time to organise. I’m pretty keen for this years. Does anyone have the course on ridewithgps or strava from last years?

Okay, thinking hard about it this year.

Meh, honestly, it wasn’t that great. The roads are nothing special and the beer festival is pretty small and underwhelming. Not really worth the 2-3 hour drive IMHO


In that case how about we all come to Canberra sometime for a ride that ends at Bent Spoke?

Down. I can accommodate people.

Disagree. I’ve enjoyed it. Fun and fast gravel roads interspersed with tarmac bits surrounded by nice rolling farmland. All in all a Cool mixed surface ride. Also liked the surrounding villages communities getting out to cheer and bake stuff for us. Beer/food festival was a good size imho, I don’t really care for some massive thing with long queues and dozens of brands to chose from. Size was well suited to size of town I reckon.

Nah, the roads are nothing better than we can ride any day of the week here and the beer selection is tiny compared to Plonk. Why drive all that way and pay $$$ to do something we can do whenever we want?

Gears & Jeers

I guess you’ve been to Wagga quite a few times, so maybe the charm has worn off? But I’ve never been before, and I like the idea of checking out new little towns and roads.
Also it’s a community run event, so that’s also a nice thing to support.

I also like the idea of a ride in Canberra finishing at Bent Spoke as I can literally stumble home post beers
