Thought I might as well put it here:
Colac -> Lake Elizabeth (~65kms not sure how much climbing maybe 600m or so).
Lake Elizabeth -> Marshall via Lorne (120kms, 2000m climb).
So, Colac to Gellibrand is a nice and easy 25km roll on a rail trail, ok coffee and food in Gellibrand.
Rail Trail.

Then Gellibrand East road that turns into Lardners track is a nice ride up the river, past Dandos Camp, onto Sayers Vista, across the river onto Bridge track which is steep in places and had me walking due to my unsuitable gearing (34t ring to a 11-27 cassette -what was in the shed), then right onto Ridge road and onto Roadknight creek road which takes you down to Forrest.
Bridge rd.

Its almost all gravel and really nice riding.
Couple of beers at the Forrest brewery, then it started pouring, proper thunderstorm, so I stayed for a pobbelbonk.

Milled around and had some dinner, then up the hill to Lake Elizabeth got a little wet with another short burst of rain, good campsite, toilets, water tank which is from the roof of the toilets so probably ok to drink, fire boxes. Was a bit damp but nice.
Then up the hill and just follow road ‘22’ (Mount Sabine/Benwerrin rd) or just follow the signs to Lorne.
Was cool up in the mist, saw a dozen wallabys and no cars. Wish I bought my toe covers for the downhills.

Down Erskine Falls road to Lorne, was strange turning up in 3 layers and gloves and my hands frozen and everyone else in shorts and t’s.
Back up Lorne-Deans Marsh road, easy 3-5% climb sealed and narrow but drivers were nice, turned right onto Seaview road, right onto Bambra-Boonah rd (was gonna go left down to Deans Marsh but wind was coming strong from the west. Then down some unnamed ‘private’ forrestry roads to Paddy’s swamp road which takes you out to Winchelsea.
Found this on those unnamed logging tracks.

Got to the turn off to Winchelsea, and it was either 4kms into the wind and a 4hr wait at the station or 35kms with a cranking tail wind to Marshall and much less wait, rode through to Marshall was a good choice, meant I got home before the train would have left Winchelsea.
Was a reall great weekend trip, be better if the weather had been a little better and allowed for a swim, but it also probably contributed to the lack of traffic.