Gypsy & LAM's epic adventure

Cool! Sounds like we’re on the same page then. At my current level of fitness I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to maintain an average like that without blowing up after two days anyway.

Good gear list. I’m thinking of strapping a bit of shit to the bike to get it off my back if possible, maybe one of those small top tube panniers or a handlebar bag.

I’m thinking of chucking a freewheel on the Corex and running 49 x 18. I get sores anytime I ride more than 150kms fixed so just can’t justify it. I’ll keep the 19T on the other side for if I feel like going fixed though!

This sounds great. Personally i’d prefer the road bike just for comfort. Heatseeker are you doing it single just cos, or becasue you specifically don’t want to use your roadie?

I don’t really have a beater roadie anymore so that option is out.

There’s just something about getting from A to B each day in the most basic form that does it for me.

Will probs take the Singlecross from earlier in this thread and am tossing up wether to do it fixed or not.

Not sure.

Yeh i have the same problem. I really dont wanna risk fucking up the sram red bike. That being said, the track bike is great but not especially comfortable for longer distances. Will give it some thought, dead keen though.
Btw…at that time of year, isn’t it going to be a furnace up north?

You do realise your leaving from Queensland? :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless you planning on using these as rags when changing a flat i wouldnt bother for the first leg to Sydney. Maybe get the Cranky guys to bring you up a fresh set of riding kit and warmers and then express post the dirty stuff back.

That is a great idea. Only need them further south obviously and they are extremely helpful when getting caught in storms etc and it’s not like they weigh much. Also useful at the end of the day because there is a destinct lack of other clothing there.

how many km’s in an average day on this trip? i reckon im down, i should be able to get the time off work.

Average about 180kms I reckon. There is two days in the first leg that are 240ish. Would be great to have you along Pip, could see some funny times ahead.

When I roughly finalise days tonight I’ll put distances next to each one.

im about 99% sure ill be coming. hopefully im fit enough for the bris to melb, if not i’ll just do the syd to melbourne. i can imagine it’d be stupid amounts of fun.

you have anybody confirmed as coming yet? who else out there is pretty sure they’d be coming?


me, if everything goes to plan. will be epic for sure.

bRad is in too. Dan Hale and Corz also expressed interest but I haven’t spoken to them recently.

Tallshipahoy is doing Sydney to melbs

Smaller crew the better trust me. So much easier to get pub accom etc.

yea, understandable. how much is it roughly for accommodation per night?

is scoot or xBBx or any of the toll boys in?

Not sure yet, haven’t really thrown it out there too much.

Budget for $100 a day and you’ll be sweet. Hopefully can doss a night in Brisbane and the couple of nights in Sydney.

I’ve just put distances up and modified a couple of days.

I’m defo riding a single speed. I remember how much my arse hurt on the last day coming back from Sydney now, you just can’t get off riding fixed.

Brisbane accom easily sorted.

Much appreciated mate.

Can’t wait for this now I’ve sat down and actually put some dates together.

those distances look real good.
Im pretty keen.

no. have fun!

That’s because you’re a pussy.

Stop carrying books on rides and it’ll all be ggod. :wink:

I’m in for the Brisbane to Sydney leg. :smiley:

Going to chuck a freewheel and some road bars and hoods on the front of the corex. Wondering if I need to put a rear brake on it as well if I’m running free?