Help me ward off a cold

i much prefer the tar stuff…we’ve almost gone through the small bottle Dad bought when we were last in Finland, but i’ve still got a large one waiting :slight_smile:

Yeah you do.

wheni lived in guatemala, we had on on the hotel grounds, was a tiny dome’d thing made of concrete, you had to crawl through a door to get it and could only sit down or crounch inside of it but it was so rad, we used to take branches of eucalyptus in with us and sit them on the rocks, sooo good, best thin was running down from the sauna and jumping in the lake, running back up in the the sauna rpt, over and over and over.

i really can’t wait to do this next time i’m in Finland. winter, in Lappland, traditional wood sauna, beers inside the door so they don’t freeze outside, jetty out to frozen lake with the Northern Lights…
road trip anyone??

keen 4 hyperthermia & beers!

Some of my remedies:
grzane wino (mulled wine):
cheap fruity cab/shiraz red wine
brandy (optional)
spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice)
orange zest
cup of water
-Heat up the water with the honey, orange zest and spices until the honey dissolves.
-add the wine but do not boil
-as soon as it shows signs of boiling turn off the heat and let it sit for an hour.
-(I like to add some brandy at this point)
-come back, reheat and drink! you will feel the heat run throughout your whole body.

You can replace the wine with a fruity beer to create grzane piwo! (mulled beer) but don’t add the brandy.

Or if you can’t be arsed doing all that. Black tea, lemon, honey and brandy/whiskey! (dad’s favourite)

Or if you’re willing to try something gross (I was always forced this as a child)
czosnek z mlekiem (garlic & milk)
-heat the milk over the stove, add chopped garlic.
-heat till the mixture till the flavor infuses and drink!
-if you cant stand the taste, hide it with a bit of honey :slight_smile:

Not sure if they still do it, but in winter time at school they used to give the kids a tablespoon of caster oil a day!

i bet they do a rad sauna in Finland

care to put a fiver on it?? or just that you’ll eat your hat?!

most excellent thing was seeing a studio apartment with a two-seater sauna.

then driving 20 mins and seeing (and having) a traditional style, two-storey savu-sauna which holds 15-20 ppl upstairs. the creek which runs across the property was also deep enough to have a rope swing. so many rad times.

as if i eat hats.

that said, you fly me to finland all expenses paid, i’ll eat a hat if i’m wrong and the saunas are shit…

i’ll hedge my bet.

i will drive you to bacchus marsh and you can have a sauna at my parents place. no river/pool to jump in, but do have cold beers and nice view from back door/verandah.

This is pretty base but it works like you wouldn’t believe.

At bed time:

  1. Onion syrup
    spread brown sugar on a saucer, about 1/4" thick. thickly slice a fresh, brown onion, lay slices on top of sugar. place next to your bed. breathe deeply.

  2. Foot Poultice
    make a thick paste of flour and water, crush a couple of cloves of fresh garlic and add to paste, mix well. Then smear SOLES of feet liberally with paste, wrap feet with glad wrap and cover with thick, warm socks.

Go to bed.

In the morning:

  1. remove poultice, bathe as usual

  2. the juice from the onion slices will have formed a thick syrup with the sugar. drain into a glass, add 100ml of warm water and drink on empty stomach.

Cold gone. Guarantee it.

My hot toddy consists of:

  1. chopped up glove or 2 of garlic;
  2. dash of honey;
  3. squeeze of half a lemon;
  4. pinch of cayenne pepper;
  5. dash of nutmeg.
  6. pour hot water over the top.


Recipie given to me when I was coming down with a virus while doing a snowboarding week at Temple Basin in the NZ Southern Alps in 1996by one of the chalet chefs. I reckon it works a treat.
It has now become a staple in our household.
As Sime would say - feelsgoodman.

Hey Dfunkt - does your home sauna come with a naked swede ?

pffft; Swede’s use steam rooms.
could possibly come with 1 or 2 naked Finns*

*may or may not be Male.

dave breno might of hooked you up with this already, but here’s the word from casey
eat your greens! eat your beans!: baby it’s (a) cold.

i just had some. it was pretty good.

Wait, Casey’s got all this fabulous information, and Brendan’s advice was to eat raw garlic.

Cheers Genie, I’ve just sucked down some echinacea liquid, and some Blackmore’s super vitamin C stuff. If it gets worse I’ll cook up a batch of Casey’s remedy for Warrny.

Thanks for the tips folks!

OK then…you can have the tissues from under my nephew’s bed…

5 shots of vodka and the hottest curry you can find. Has worked for me in the past.

It’s a virus… If you are displaying symptoms it’s too late, it’s already breached your immune system. You should realistically be leading a healthy balanced lifestyle at all times to keep your immune system functioning at it’s peak.Waiting until it’s too late and overdosing on so called remedies is a waste of time and money. That’s the reality… ask your Dr.
