Help stop this crank harming public health


Oh right, I see what you did there. Eventually.

Channel 9 just gave Tenpenny airtime and called it a debate. There’s no debate!!!

False balance isn’t balance at all. It should be Thrupence and 99,999 doctors to have a debate.

This’ll help their cause…
Anti-vaccination campaigner compares critics to Charlie Hebdo attackers | Society | The Guardian

So true.

F’n stupid.
Terrorists got offended by cartoonists transgressing their sacred values.
Anti-vacc critics take issue at dangerous anti-scientific drivel being sold as science.

Apples and oranges

ftfy - not even close to the same thing.
One is an assault on free speech in response to perceived religious slights, the other is a bats**t crazy lady exploting freedom of speech with false balance to take advantage of those who can be easily swayed and make some bucks out of it in the meantime. I wonder if the supporter in the article, or Thrupence herself, would die for their “beliefs”?

^I agree with you, but “batshit crazy” better describes the Charlie Hedbo attackers than the anti-vaccers.

Anyway, it’s great to see the venues taking a stand and pulling out of the events, even though it will probably cost them money. Good on them.

probably not, but their kids, or the immunocompromised might.

And then this gets posted on a “news” website.

Also, are they referring to the foa mafia?

Shit article, poor editing and U.S. spelling, reeks of anti vac bias from the states.


Now the whole thing is off.

I just came to post about that.

Great news!

Interesting read on measles.


The Onion kills it again

Anti-vaxer offers €100,000 to anyone who can prove Measles is real. Researcher sends article proving it. Man dismisses it. Researcher takes him to court. Court sides with researcher. Anti-vaxer now has to pay €100,000.
