Herald Sun Tour


Pro’s struggle with a Garmin. You rekon they can work a wireless eftpos machine.

Best take cash.
About $2500 has been hinted.


I meant so i can get money from the ATM if called for.

Worst comes to blurst, i get a gelato.

Boardman AR 9.0s are $2k with Ultegra on wiggle (any colour you like, so long as it’s red)

Wish I took a camera other than my phone…would have got some better shots

So anyone pick up some kit?

A couple Rapha caps for free. Thats all, I left Sunday before the bargains were available.

Had a great time on Arthur’s Seat on Saturday arvo with the kids with whistles and the homemade cowbells. We missed out on the Rapha caps but got some free schwag including a unibet bidon, jelly beans and some jayco caps (and some of Mrs Fyxomatosis’ cupcakes).

My daughter’s teacher ran a project last week asking the kids to come up with cycling terms and their meanings as part of a general discussion on the Herald Sun Tour in class. After Saturday she has plenty of stuff for show and tell this morning including some snaps I took on the hill.
Top family day was had.

Pretty nice result on the rugby too.

^^ Can’t argue with that. Australia losing means we won’t be bombarded with meaningless rugby news this week. win-win :slight_smile: