how many times do you repair?

For all our (cyclists) pontificating about how polluting cars are and how better biking is for the environment etc… think about the small things too. It’s actions, not just words, that enable change.

I usually replace the tube - but I keep the old ones. I just bought 48 patches + glue on eBay for $0.01 (+ $4 postage) and I’ll be patching about 10 tubes on the morrow.

Sometimes - and this was more a problem on the MTB before running tubless - the patches didn’t have enough stretch and there’d be a noticable lump in the tyre, due to the restrained tube.

Is anyone using on of those pumps that have a CO2 attachment? If so - what is a good brand to get?

I suppose if this were a genuine concern people wouldnt be buying the tubes in the first place, or burning coal to power a computer to write on here.

Now where should i head to buy some carbon offset credits…

I’ve got one tube with 4 patches. Still rolling. Next one its gone though…

3 strikes plus one airswing. Shit, I cant afford to be buying a new tube every month.

Seriously, you’re worried about the environmental impact of a few tubes but you don’t mind skidding out six tyres in a month practicing mad skidz?

Surely skidding through tyres but recycling tubes is better than skidding through tyres and not recycling tubes?

Honestly, not so worried about the environmental impact so much as just not pointlessly wasting stuff. If I can repair a tube 5 times that’s 5 tubes I don’t have to buy. But if you’re getting 'em for free, do what you want.

I have a whole bunch of tubes hanging in the shed. Most have two or three patches on there and are waiting to have another one put on there.

I’ll patch the shit out of my tubes. I usually have to chuck them when the valve rips or something.

Regardless of environmental impact, it’s just a fucking waste. I don’t care about cost, I just hate wasting for no good reason. Like toilet paper scrunchers and people who leave the water running while brushing teeth.