I Wanna Know You

I thought you rode with drops?

40-50kms? jeeze… i’ve only been riding for about a month haha. i think i’ll need to get the fitness and leg strength levels up a bit first before i attempt that! i’ll definitely find the bike jam pages though. i’m keen as a bean to start coming out on rides :slight_smile:

I meant my comment in the nicest possible way, of course.

Old photo from my modeling days…

EDIT: this photo has been on so many blogs as well as fagsonfixies.com, I don’t care who sees it.

EDIT EDIT: Sorry for the dig JLN, your post just cracked me up

shit dan wtf happened there?

never kiss and tell

Pfft I do it all the time

yeah we know!!

I don’t get into the gory details but, I’d get yelled at.

not yelled at as such, more of an evil look.

You wanna know me?

I’m sexy, I like the water, I don’t really make it with my dog, my face fuzz is grey, I wish I was Mexican, I’m getting old, I’m always amazed why Mrs. Spirito puts up with my shit, been riding fixed since 1970, I’m the funniest man alive, I’m cooler than Eddy, I’m a jerk, I like bikes.

This is me
Fun fact, I am related to Darth Vader

I bounce between “novelty” sports (in the last five years I’ve done parkour, muay thai, ultimate frisbee, skate longboarding and bike polo, all of which are least vaguely novel or left of centre) and have been accused of reading far too much on my given topic of obsession at any given point.

With cycling, I love climbing hills. I’m not the build for it, but I’m working on it (by climbing hills). I’m trying to convince all my friends to come to bike polo because it’s such a rad sport, and I’m super keen to give track riding a go but never seem to make it to the velodrome on the far side of town.

I like photos, I don’t like taking things seriously

I see by the pic you’ve gone the dark side :wink: … You can call me Obi-Wan !!!

Spirito, I recently read a book about a polish hitman, all through the bookthe way they described him kind of gave me a picture in my head about the character. You look like that man… I am now officially scared of you.

PS. I really like your hat. I have several like it.

PPS. What kind of bone is your dog eating? It looks almost… human.

If by dark side you mean TIG, then I guess i’d be the grey side, I braze too :stuck_out_tongue:

Just sparring with you. I’ve tried most of the different styles of welding and they are all good. Funnily, I really enjoyed stick/arc welding because that’s what I helped my father with when I was little, and the smell made it kinda thrilling and natural all at the same time. Shame I don’t wish to build trailer’s. I’m focusing on brazing for now just because I like the look/style.

That’s too funny. I’m giggling at the idea of me being your representation of a Polish hitman … the closest I’ve come is self inflicted by eating to many pierogi’s. I do like Wyborowa vodka though … much better than a lot of the other mass marketed crap.

The dog can eat/chew/grind bones unlike any other dog I’ve seen so I usually get him some large beef bones as it keeps him busy for a while.

Thought so, there seems to be this idea in some peoples heads that one form of metal bonding is inferior or superior, but when you log on to somewhere like VSalon rod burners and metal melters get on like a house on fire.

Stick welding is great, I love how versatile it is!

Also I had no idea you built frames Spirito, how long has that been going for?

you guys framebuilding should start a thread so we can all drool over you’re awesome tools&workshops&output.