Introduce yourself thread!

Name: Sean
Location: Brunswick, Melbourne for holidays, bRADdon, Canberra for uni (they are pretty much equivalent suburbs).
Bikes: Caad10 3, Deco Self-titled Street/Flat BMX, On-One pompino, GT iDrive dually MTB.
Beard: I’m 12.
Etc: Studying ecology, dirt rides, bikepacking, hiking, trail running, mountains.

Name: brendan.
Location: gougerland.
Bikes: road / track / street.
Beard: salt n pepper, some chilli flakes.
Etc: clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

Name: Marc
Location: Northern Beaches, Sydney
Bikes: Soma Rush, Surly Cross Check, Charge Plug
Beard: On and off, never truly shaved
Etc: love dirt, love my track bike, love fat tires, love getting lost…love riding bikes…and beer


Name: Michael
Location: Norfside Melb.
Bike: Brother steel track, All City Dropout commuter/fixie (under construction), Jamis Dragon Pro MTB
Beard: Grown as long as I can get away with before my better half starts complaining.
ETC: Bushwalker, bookworm, Commuter Cup also-ran, vegetarian, public servant.

Name: Andy
Location: Melbourne, Rosanna
Bike(s): Speedvagen road bike, On-One Pomp rack bike/commuter, All City Macho Man CX, Kumo fixed gear, Langster track bike, Surly Karate Monkey SS 29er, Europa x Kenevens winter road bike.
Beard: Sort of but not really. Bit of a mess.
Etc. Bike mechanic. Photographer. I like riding my bicycles. A lot.

Name: Liam
Location: Canberra
Bikes: Kona Major One CX, Unknown road bike (Big Bird), Specialized Camber, Soon to have Kumo. Soon to sell On-One inbred SS mtb.
Beard: Moustache
Etc: Ice Hockey, Coffee, Beer, Sourdough, Slow food, Vegetable Garden, Bald, Graphic Designer, Crazy cat lady without any cats, Probably a hipster but denies it, scared of being grown up, sad faces are common.

Name: Dayne
Location: south yarra
Bike:lots of but not enough
Beard: never
ETC: I enjoy riding in the sunrise, sun, dark, mainly worry about tan lines and I only listen to recordings of gear shifts while I go to sleep.

Name: Geoff, prefer GT
Location: Holland Park West, QLD
Bike: Pivot 429 Carbon (race MTB), GT Peace 9r (commuter), Kenevans Road (long rides).
Beard: Yearly - comes through with a tinge of ginge.
ETC: Family, Dirt trails, Brewing, Blood Bowl.

Name: Tim
Location: Nth Melb
Bike: Concorde track, Concorde Prelude, Olmo San Remo, Gemini World Randoneur
Beard: No thanks, can’t get past the itch
ETC: Country music listening bike riding architect.

Name: James
Location: East Melbourne
Bike: Caad10/ex-AIS Euro track bike/pompino thingamy
Beard: I shave every two months or so, so sometimes.
ETC: brief punk phases always give way to full on metal binges.

Name: Paul
Location: Inner West, Syd via enzed
Bike: Cinelli Mash, Bianchi Super Pista, Charge plug Racer, Titus Rockstar (Ti), Yeti 575, Singular Swift.
Beard: Winter attire only, Gone from ranga tinge to salt & pepper
ETC: Happy daddy, rugby, beer, coffee - in no particular order.

Name: Seb
Location: Canberra (yeh mate)
Bike: Surly Cross-Check, Surly Steamroller being rebuilt (+ Kumo roadie sometimes this year)
Beard: sometimes, atm yes
ETC: expatriate, irresponsible parent, punk-noise-metal always, road riding & racing (need to do moar dirt), language nerd

Name: Mike
Location: Adelaide, heading back home to Perth in 3 weeks though.
Bike: Leader Renovatio. I’ve only ever had one bike at a time. Might have to change that later in the year.
Beard: Oddly, right now I’m rocking a solid 10mm growth but historically, never. Been a bit cold in the mornings and a bit too busy to shave. Luckily, Specialized just put the beard to the test in their wind tunnel and proved that beards are aero-approved.
ETC: 25km round trip to work every day, but I ride more for fun in Perth than I do here. Photographer and record artwork designer by night, optical assistant/dispenser by day.

Name: Adam
Location: Canberra
Bikes: Kumo roadie (borrowed), SE Lager for rainy days. Want a new MTB and CX
Beard: Patchy and thin (thanks Asian grandfather) so I don’t even bother
ETC: meh

Hahah! Shit. I knew our sticky spacebar at work would get me one day.

Name: Dan
Location: Bay of Plenty, New Zealand (ex Melb)
Bike: Surly CrossCheck, Intense Tracer VP + a new build (watch this space) … used to ride fixies eyes moisten
Beard: of course
ETC: The good life - 2 boys under 3, MTBing, generally geeking out about bikes, coffee, craft beer, vege gardens, nice furniture and art.

There is no equivalent, women are missing out. Maybe boobs?

Name: Peter
Location: Melbourne-Altona
Bike: Malvern start roadie, all city nature boy (when it’s not broken), about 10 mtbs for various disciplines
Beard: not even close
ETC: beer, hockey, baseball, music

Name: Cameron… yeah thats right my actual name is Cameron not Duggy, but Cameron is reserved for family, angry partner and the authorities.
Location: Brisvegas - Southside of. Yes it matters.
Bike: Cinelli MASH Histogram, S-Works SL3 Tarmac, Bullitt Cargo rig, Ken Evans Pursuit (under construction)
Beard: Yeah nah more of a semi maintained 3-day growth Seven days a week
ETC: #dadlyf, beer, coffee guzzler, colours n’ shapes.