just moved to melbourne. looking for flatland trick riders.

8:00 Tuesdays = uni :frowning: [thanks for the heads-up damoh :slight_smile: ]

Though I did get home at 8:30 and could have swung past, I had a date with: A zombie nurse in love (awesome)

Thanks guys for a wicked night. Great turnout nice to meet new faces.

John, we dont really have a regular night. I dont know where Christof got Tuesday from cause thats track night. We just put a post up on here as to when we are going to meet.

Statistical averages dictates Tuesday night is the night for mad skillz, though these intense mathematical calculations were performed pre-DISC so I guess it will change some.

I saw you ride down little collins just before 2pm.
i wasnt on my bike, i was standing by a work vehicle exchanging some goods.