Lemontime - food fashion leader

The cutting in half is definitely a Breville thing as we had an original, late 70s/early 80s Breville sandwich maker and it was something of a big deal. I took this with me when I moved out of home.
Back then my favourite filling was savoury mince and dipping each half into a bowl of tomato sauce.

Breville have since go with the naming ‘Original’ and ‘Big One’ (below)

which doesn’t cut the sandwich into two triangles.

The only steel, camp fire style jaffle iron I’ve ever used makes a single, large pocket of toasted goodness.
Friends had a round jaffle iron that was stepped which I always thought was weird.

This. If it’s in a triangle it’s a Breville.

It’s a Jaffle.

Round / square / triangles/ toastie toasties…and i grew up in NT.
Cold pizza slice of your choice x 2 is somewhere near jaffle perfection.

Same here. I make four little cheese logs to make stop the egg rolling out, egg melts and rolls into the gaps. Awesome.
This thread has made me think about getting it back out. Especially the banana nutella explosions.

eggs can be done in brevilles (diag cutters), either through Sime’s pressed troughs, or through setting up a cheese fence that the egg cant get overwhile you clamp the thing down.
This is one of the best threads i’ve seen here in ages! Keen to try nutella, banana,and maybe maple/golden syrup.

strawberry+banana+brown sugar = ruling (and so simple)

back in the day left-over spag bol with some parmesan would cause fights in our family kitchen

tinned spaghetti or baked beans with lots of black pepper is a simple honest meal.

a simple cheese (soy or not) with a strong grainy mustard can be a quick and excellent snack.

the influence of my north american partner has meant i’ve been living the ‘grilled cheese’ (saucepan plus weighted lid/plate) life rather than keeping it jaffle/breville recently.

This is my dinner tonight… pretty keen to give it a go.

A little baked beans, a spoon of salsa, a little cheese, some chopped bacon (chorizo of you’ve got it…is even better). Crack an egg over and close the breville* REAL quick. num num num num

(curious…auto correct suggested “Libreville” for “breville”)

^^^^^^^^^^^Nexus… is right y’know.

Jaffles on masterchef the other night, only with duck fillings. Matt preston munged them down.

Pfft… been there…!

I hate everyone on that show. TC.

Im sorry, but it’s a toastie.

Nope… “toastie toaster” in my gaff too.

Should add that the correct name for the device for cooking toasties is a “toasty machine”

when i returned from my recent overseas trip the first (and 2nd and 3rd) things i ate when i got back were vegemite and cheese jaffles.
4th and 5th things were cheese, tuna and bakes beans jaffles
I prefer the zen of a steal is real NJS* stovetop/camp fire jaffle iron though

*National Jaffle Society

Yeah not a fan, I was studying while the gf got her fix in the background.

There is no other. Those electric things are the equivalent of the $99 KMart bike.

So the social committee at the studio have just organised a jaffle off on Friday. Little do they know that I have the FoAMafia to help me win. So what is the most ‘foodie’ jaffle p0rn you can think of?

It’s truffle season