LeTour;all the chat!

Just go to France!

I dont know if these sites are any good.

Yahoo!!1@1 is supposed to have a stream, too. Also maybe SBS?

Told you those aerobars would pay off!

General classification after stage 11

1 Floyd Landis (USA) Phonak 49.18.07
2 Cyril Dessel (Fra) AG2R-Prevoyance 0.08
3 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 1.01
4 Cadel Evans (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto 1.17
5 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC 1.52
6 Andreas Kl?den (Ger) T-Mobile 2.29
7 Michael Rogers (Aus) T-Mobile 3.22
8 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) Agritubel 3.33
9 Christophe Moreau (Fra) AG2R-Prevoyance 3.44
10 Marcus Fothen (Ger) Gerolsteiner 4.17

This is the first thing I saw this morning as I tried to see the end of the stage over brekky:

(Stolen from SS&FG)


yeah that was fair fucked. It had just rained, just enough for the shitty road to be slippery as hell. Those guys were in a breakaway trying to maintain their lead - must have been exhausted.

  • Joel

Not that you want to even think about it, but who do you reckon ate it more?

is there really a #fixed on austnet?

i love how irc’s getting bought up in every thread :smiley:

ndf and i, founding members

screw you guys, what’s a good, light, simple, free IRC client these days?

  • Joel

what platform?

there is the venerable mIRC for pc

and xChat for mac

PC. cheers.

  • Joel

Well damn me if IRC isn’t still alive and… ok, IRC was never well, but still.

BitchX. Are there any other IRC clients? :twisted:

…need I state the obvious? :: Floyd is a hardass! :: How impressive was last night’s stage?

I have been liking this year’s tour, it’s been far more spontaneous and surprising (nay, just straight-out irrational) that the last seven.

…need I state the obvious? :: Floyd is a hardass! :: How impressive was last night’s stage?

I have been liking this year’s tour, it’s been far more spontaneous and surprising (nay, just straight-out irrational) that the last seven.

i still don’t like that flanders bloke :wink:

I’ll second that. Robbie in the green!

Yeah, but you don’t like anyone.

man, is there NO honesty? if he is really positive, the tour can go and f*ck off, i mean, what is the point?

really disappointing.

Absolute pig of a man.