Locks that work

there was an article in the bicycle victoria magazine this month about bike locks. top rated was a “vulcan” brand d-lock at $40

1-Vulcan 2-Abus granit 3-Tioga 4-Kryptonite

all four were above 95% in their “rating” scale so much of a muchness I suppose. Personally, I can vouch for the Granit.

And don’t leave it out on the street overnight.

Krypto cables are like $30 at bike shops. You only need the 3 foot long one.

EDIT: Also, if your wheel is quick release, maybe invest in one of these:

Yeah bought a hex skewer for the hed 3 before it was even on the bike. 3ft krypto cable sounds like the best option now. Bike won’t be left anywhere very long. Just something for when I am ducking in to a bar or the shops quickly.

buy this

I currently use a krypto evo mini d and I reckon they have to be the best lock out there for all round convenience, minimal weight and great security. Cables can help out but they are a pain in the ass. Mini d locks up in like 10 seconds.

I used to run a road QR front wheel with a pit-lock security skewer - they have a unique socket to undo them - in it and the chain inside inner-tube around the seatstays and saddle rails (as mentioned in earlier posts) when i was in London. For those who know London is bike theft central of the universe. Never once had anything stolen in 2 years of leaving the bike all over town - even overnight a few times.

I just got an “expensive” front wheel. Hopefully the mini-d will fit around it and the frame… I’ll also buy the hex key skewer. It is a PITA to carry a cable, but certain places in Adelaide don’t have decent bike racks, so I have to use the cable and d-lock.

Once again, luckily I have never had to leave my bike locked up overnight anywhere. My work has a bike cage with 24hour access, and if need be, I could walk home (I don’t live that far away from the CBD).

Not a chance. I always carry a krypto cable as well. At least once I took it inside the pub with me.

Also: Take a look at the Pitlock

Yeah, I remember.

I think i’ll be sticking with the Krypto for now…

I thought about just grabbing another mini D but my front wheel is to deep + fat down tube means it won’t work. Seems like everyone is a big fan of the cable and D lock combo so I might go with that. As much as those chains are heavy and would suck to fall on they would definitely offer piece of mind. They look bomb proof.

i should’ve mentioned that this isn’t the mini-d most people use. it’s longer, but narrower, so getting around a pole and wheel may be difficult. probably not such an issue with the cable, but thought it was worth mentioning as i didn’t realise until it arrived. lady seems happy with it though :slight_smile:

CBF reading the entire thread, but Ride On magazine recommends the Vulcan VSL101B Supreme 2000. Now, most of Ride On’s reviews are sketchy at best, but apparently this bad boy had to be cut twice to get the bike free.

Just get one of these.

Any revelations in the lock world? Just lost my keys to my old lock which has proved pretty faithfull - was an old version of this. ABUS Steel-O-Flex 860/110 QS RBU (31494)

Will probably get another (after I try cut up the current one) as it was a pretty good combo of weight/flexibility/easy to carry. But am a bit torn between that and the mini-d cable combo. My bikes are usually locked up in the city/brunswick st/sydney road for a couple hours at least once a week. Insured but I don’t wanna walk home or build new ones.

Why not contact Abus and see if you can get a replacement key? Assuming you have the codecard still


im currently using this, krypto series 2 standard with cable.

No codecard. And abus were kind enough to not print the key code on the lock.

In 1914, a boy chained his bike to a tree to fight in the war. He never returned