Make me more hipstery

It’s the unexpectedness of it, the idea, not the time spent.

i think it deserves a 6 pack !!! oF long necks haha

haha, will deliver at the roobaix.
Not a 6 though. definitely a longneck if he wants it :slight_smile:

only if its VB and we can smoke victory cigarillos - i can supply

So I came to the conclusion that it is now spelt hipstr, just like flickr and tumblr.

Hipstrs hate e’s… Except for, you know, the obvious.

Sent from my iPhone.

trying to stay off the smokes and smoky things, but for you I make an exception!

VB ftw

^makes me lol

I think you should get half a tonne of soil and potting mix in the ute tray and grow vegetables and fresh herbs in the back, maybe even a trellis with a grape vine for the summer months. Call it the Eco-Ute. Wog/Hipster = Win, no?

omg and then I wouldn’t have to get my spriings replaced to lower the car, the weight will do it!


If you need to use the ute for carrying stuff then I think just a little shelf of potted herbs behind the cabin window would suffice. And a dashboard full of wheatgrass would really be pimp, easy to grow and would save your dash from splitting.

Check out my old ute… so much sand in the back tray.


? Not so hipster, but usually wearing flanno shirts!

It’s funny because we all know the real hipstrs dropped this trend in 2009 :wink:

YouTube - Portlandia - OVER

Holy fucking shit. I just googled image searched “ironing” (to be funny and witty) and this came up.


Good LOLz

Every man and his dog is doing it…

Twice now I’ve seen a red ute like this on Arden St with “CHAFF CUTTER” on the side in big gold lettering. But the semi trailer style plexiglass stone deflector(?) on the bonnet says…