(Melb) Bonus prizemoney Saturday and TSSS Sunday (2nd & 3rd Feb)

Just a reminder that this Saturday (2nd Feb) is a bonus prizemoney Saturday at Blackburn, and Sunday is Round 4 of the Trek Summer Sprint Series.
If you haven’t raced the first few rounds of the TSSS, it doesn’t matter, there’s daily prizes as well as the series aggregate.

Details in the usual places :

Regular racing :


I keep meaning to come down and watch one of these - might have to be this week and I might even bring the camera!

Im going if you are!!! :sunglasses:

This is a great dday and hotly contested racing is the key to having fun.

There were 17 riders today and i can really say that it was run fantasticly by Carl Brewer and his rag tag band of volunteers. TYhe riders always get a great days riding Match Sprints and the practice is invaluable to most of us wanting to learn and ride this format of racing.

So PLEASE come to the next round in March if you think you would like to take a crack at it.

Check out the TSSS website for the results and photos of the day.

Yep, brilliant day of racing and fun. Massive thanks to Carl and his helpers for putting on such a great event. Don’t miss out on the next one!

Links: Report, Homepage, Next Round

yeah yeah! Great racing! great to watch

It sure was an awesome way to spend the afternoon!