Moth Attack Bikepacker

Beautiful bike!

I am very curious about the name ‘moth attack’. I hope it is an elaborate story.

Seriously Liam, it’s like Google wasn’t even invented:

Like Liam, I am very curious about the name. I have restrained myself looking it up on the net because I’m enjoying the little stories I’m coming up with in my head.

I dunno…

I’m dubious about this bike packing thing, and TBH I’m not sure you have the fitness for it and will instead actually spend your time sinking beers and eating chicken parmas at the pub. :stuck_out_tongue:

Megan and I were talking about it and we both said ‘That bike is definitely going to get ridden some awesome places’

Did you ask her why it is called Moth Attack?

You can’t believe everything you read on the internet

Sounds dubious.

Did you meet Megan back in van?

this is real nice, love those racks on the front wheel.

Good banter eh cheers Pete


How to make a sweet bike ugly:

Hell. Yes.

Will probably mount my K-Lite off the bridge when I get it

Would be better off mounting it on your bike, but what do I know.

Mounting off the bridge solves two problems for me. 1) Lack of realestate on the bars and 2) will get the light above and over my handlebar roll.

What’s your suggestion and why?

Lewis… just ignore the dad jokes. Mr. Heavymetal is suggesting you were going to mount it to an actual bridge. He is still sour I broke his flag on his kiddy bike.

Have you even ridden under swan st bridge? It’s dark AF mounting an extra light under there would help all cyclists not just one.

Ahhh, here I was assuming some #fredlogic for mounting directly to the bike.

What do you think of the Ergons?
I ran them on my El Mar with those Salsa bars for a couple of months then went to ESIs. Found they put too mch pressure on the edge of my palm.
Light on bridge is good option if you could route cable internally in the bar arm.
Would you need to drill the bridge?