New Buyer's Guide.

they are very good pedals.

any one know where i can get some SAGlife straps? cheers

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4th on the list

Are Brown Jersey bikes any good for noobs or are they just junk?

looks like the same stuff everyone else is selling for that price.

Yes there is a couple, but can’t find any reviews. So does anyone have an opinion or any knowledge on them.?

look at the bikes that have been recommended. if your particular brand is not mentioned, it has not been recommended.

I used atacs for the street and even with the tension to the max I still found myself unclipping occasionally when skidding, and after time (a year of commuting and other rides) everything started to fall apart in one pedal, I’ve changed to the cheaper alliums and never have unclipping problems anymore. But other people seem to hold them in high regards so maybe I was just unlucky.

i’m going with unlucky. i’ve known a solid number of people run them and abuse them for far longer in worse conditions. did you check your cleat for the ‘releases’? i’ve found cleat wear can really bosst this occurring (along with twisting your ankle while skidding).

i am currently awaiting a replacement set of time atacs from wiggle after the axle on the right pedal bent. no idea how it happened as i hadn’t dropped the bike on the right side etc and don’t recall the pedal sustaining any other kind of heavy knock.

seems a rare occurence though and wiggle posted a replacement super quick, so i’m guessing they deemed it faulty on sight. forgot to send back the cleats though :slight_smile:

Question, what to wear under a skinsuit? Track cycling… not fixed obviously, skinny jeans for life.

Your birthdaysuit.


Most wear an undershirt as well, theory is too layers slide better than one.

But that’s not as funny.

was in bike culture again today and they have ‎2011 Fuji Track 1.0 for $1249 at the moment

take them both for a ride and pick which one you like best

hello,thanks for the guide.


Ah just a quick question bought a fuji feather as first fixie and pretty happy with it, but thinking it’s about time to replace the cranks… any recmendations? was looking at

Tokyo Fixed Gear - Paul Components - Road Crankset Royal Flush - Polished / Black

but yeah any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated:confused: