Noob + Locks

My Knog gloves didn’t last a year. The velcro lost it’s stickiness and the came unstitched at the end of the fingers.

Of course you’d think of this

This happened to me as well.

Again thanks all for the input.

I do like the electronic idea, in theory it would work a treat. But i reckon in the real world they’d sorta suck with changing batteries and so on.

There isnt any batteries, its apparently somewhat like a usb memory stick as it stores all its security details in solid state memory (rom) … not much actual info on how it works tho…

i can’t get those things to work man. the lock just wouldn’t go in. i just stick it in ma belt.

Me too. I think they suck.

I look forward to you getting banned. do we do IP blocks here?

hey what length is your abus lock? im 32 as well. they have them on ebay but all differnt lengths…

Thanks to all who have given advice and whatnot.
I’ve decided to go the Kryptonite evo off Wiggle.

I think that I will prefer having a larger lock for better practicality.

Thanks, ethan.

I got the evo off Wiggle. The small one.

For $60 bucks at current ex rates can’t go wrong. Took about a week to get here.

^^ was that with priority checkout?

No. Just normal

I run one of these, can lock to almost anything, the cover thing fell off it so it sometimes scratches the frame or when its cold its a little uncomfortable and when its hot it makes your hips hotter than Shakira. Also can come in handy for road rage, havent had to use it yet.
Only problem is if you lose the key

damn i knew i forgot something when i did my wiggle order.

good excuse to do another one anyway, those evo minis looks good.

i got an evo mini for $49 buy it now off ebay new, can’t wait to get it hey.
i can’t believe how much cheaper they are online!

also getting some chain from bunnings and inner-tube/padlock for extra security.

I carry one of these around as well as the mini in case you need some extra length.

I use an Abus U lock and an onguard cable. works well and I can lock to almost anything. but the Abus is very big and heavy.

if you’re a cheap bastard like me this is actually a really good alternative to the evolution mini.
it’s 1cm longer i think, other than that its exactly the same
i’ve had mine for as long as my mates had his evo mini and they are both perfectly fine
got it off ebay for 30 US if i remember correctly.

^^^that’s what i did too.

it’s fine. and i like yellow better than orange anyway.