North West Sydney Ride: Saturday 28th Feb

Hey gang,

I’ve got a big birthday coming up, and as such, I thought I’d plan an FOA ride.

Details updated:

Meet Eric Mobbs Reserve, Castle Hill at 6.45 for 7am rollout on 28/2.
Ride for 80-90km, stopping at cafes and such. Route will be heading out towards the Hawkesbury River, taking in Pitt Town and probably Windsor. Minimal climbing.
Easy pace.
Get back to Eric Mobbs lunchtimeish for a bit of a sausage sizzle in a park or something. Beers.

So keep the 28th free. All welcome.

Yieww! Keen - I’ll be there for a max KoM fest…

…jaykay, sorry not sorry.

Should be good. I’'ll need a calendar invite as my life is run by outlook.

Cafes and minimal climbing sounds perfect

Date locked in.

That’s like, so long away.

Riding coffee and snags … I’m in.

Planning in advance! I should try that sometime.

Sounds great, count me in.

Sorry Jono - Saturdays are out for me from Feb, though if you’re still kicking at 3ish in the arvo i could meet up.

If Jono wants to repeat ride on Sunday I’ll join you/him :wink:

Cool, thanks for responses. I just need to find a good starting/finishing point near my place that has barbecues etc and then I’ll let everyone know the meeting point.

Rod/Spiz: I actually wouldn’t mind doing another ride on the Sunday, will just need to check if I can fit it in with family stuff etc.

Okay, I’ve updated the first post with details. Eric Mobbs Reserve is pretty easy to find, will show up in a google maps search. It’s only a couple kms from the m2 Windsor rd exit for those coming from the city. Heaps of parking etc, and bbqs for when we finish up. I’ll be bringing snags and beer, if there’s any vegos coming let me know and I’ll bring a carrot. J/k, you get nothing.
I’ve created a Facebook event and invited those of you who I know on there who might be interested . Feel free to invite whoever, as long as they can do a relaxed 80km. No dickheads. Unless they’re hilarious.

is that 80 km’s or 80 kom’s ?

I don’t think there’s even that many segments: it’s not the m7…

Yieww! Keen and I promise I won’t go for KoMs

unless someone else does first

Still very keen, date set aside.

If I could lock in a lift (Dan/Bob would be an obvious choice) that’d be rad.

There are a couple that I’ll allow. McClymont’s Road is a super sweet descent followed by a short but punchy climb, pretty sure we all did this one other time. Feel free to destroy this one, there’ll be waiting for stragglers at the end of it regardless. Also the drop from Old Northern to the first coffee stop at Tuckshop is a hotly contested descent.

hey y’all ! Late to the party, I WILL BE ATTENDING. I know, I know, massive shock that I still (sometimes) ride…

Only doing it for the old man :stuck_out_tongue:

Can promise I will be taking out the wooden spoon of all KoM’s/descents/sprints! Will attempt a shot at the title for most beers consumed post ride tho :o

Hey North Westers, which of these is a better ride at 6 in the morning?

a) from Epping Station to Eric Mobbs Reserve, past the North Rocks Westfield


b) Parramatta Station to Eric Mobbs Reserve, via Windsor Rd.

B. A will lead you along the worst bit of road known to cycledom. From parramatta is easy, will take 20 mins or so.

To reiterate, b is better option.