Opinions on Mavic road shoes

I disagree, you can’t pay to get faster or ride epic, but you can totes pay to look faster and epic.

Didn’t the joyride kids all get these shoes?

Fixed that for ya!

I totally agree I gots black and a white Giro prolite
The white kit is only for mid day 30plus outings
I got around 12 jerseys and all but one is black!

why wear colour when all the ‘epic videos’ you are shooting for are in B&W?

i’ll happily admit i have a long dislike of white footwear (harking back to my early skateboarding days where white shoes always looked destroyed faster while skating)…

im intrigued by the idea of a wider shoe. i do love my sidis, but would like some other options outside of the couple of styles offered in mega fit. have heard that lake do a wider shoe but havent seen them in shops here.

i like the fit of diadoras

upon noticing i had finally bought road shoes, trigger said something about white shoes. i said white shoes were way too pro for me and that i would never get white shoes, hence the black specialized.

looked down, markee and trigger both rockin white shoes…

i think the likelihood of me ever owning yellow shoes is much, much lower than white.

pasty legs = black or GTFO


oh, apologies, sidi’s are even more pro…

I don’t even care if it’s good or not, I read the word ‘pro’ and click ‘buy it now’. Which is funny cause my bike aint pro for shit.

that’s why i bought my SONIC BOOM frame off you trigger, i figured if you’d owned it, it had to be pro…

I like that frame, I wish it was my size.

Don’t worry neither is mine, it’s way too far under the UCI weight limit.

this is the first i have heard about your extremely light bicycle. Do tell more.

Really :smiley: there are 11974 Views I’m pretty sure you’ve had a little peak at the thread :wink:

you got me! They are all mine.